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Coaching the Life Coach: Business Coaching for Entrepreneurs & Executives by Famous Coaches

Coaching the Life Coach: Business Coaching for Entrepreneurs & Executives by Famous Coaches

Are you ready to improve your skills and the success of your business or career? Are you a coach, consultant, or service professional? Are you a psychologist, trainer, financial manager, real estate agent or chiropractor? Are you an Internet entrepreneur, a small business owner or the CEO of a global multi-national? You can learn actionable new concepts for business pros in this weekly show where famous life coaches and business coaches share their best ideas with you. ‘Coaching by the Life Coach’ is for you if you've ever considered what it would be like to have your own coach. Vicariously sample the creme de la creme of coaches in this weekly show artfully hosted by a high-sought after coach himself, Robert Harrison. This weekly audio program provides a gateway to the best and most effective coaches and service professionals in the industry, giving you access to their singular knowledge about what it takes to be truly successful in your professional life. Each week you’ll learn secrets, tips and strategies you can use immediately to improve various aspect of your business and overcome the many obstacles that entrepreneurs face in their domain. You’ll appreciate the simplicity and candor of each show, focused on distilling down the foundation tactics to generate real life success. Get more satisfaction from your work. Develop your management and leadership skills. Grow your business and still have a life. Know when to kill it and when to gut it out. Incorporate simple time management strategies into your daily routine. Robert W. Harrison, your life coach and host of ‘Coaching by the Life Coach’ is committed to moving you step-by-step through the process of building a ‘thriving’ business and getting everything you want out of life, through weekly lessons, over-the-shoulder coaching sessions and interviews with successful coaches and business owners. You can plug ‘n play what you learn immediately into your practice to improve your results with your clients and your bottom line. Every week listeners will be given the chance to provide input, request more information and posit future show ideas via the Coaching by the Life Coach blog. Join Robert in this interactive adventure for the chance to receive free coaching live on the show with Robert. Just call 206-350-5333 with your questions for Robert.

Digital Photography Life

Digital Photography Life

What is the best lens to use if you are shooting a portrait? Is now a good time to buy a new DSLR or should you wait for whatever is coming next? What software makes the most of your photos and is it worth the price? Which products and accessories must you have in your camera bag, and which can you avoid? What are the best resources for digital camera reviews and price comparisons?

If you have ever asked questions like those, you will find the answers on Digital Photography Life: Make Every Shot Count, with Scott Sherman and Michael Stein. Scott and Michael are long-time digital photography enthusiasts who have been following the industry for many years. Best friends in real life, Scott and Michael approach their photography with the same passion and enthusiasm you bring to your shooting.

On every episode, Scott and Michael discuss what is new in the world of digital photography, including coverage of the latest digital cameras, digital photography accessories and software; There are always new products and techniques out there to enhance your photography; Scott and Michael give you the information you need to decide which ones merit your consideration.

Digital Photography Life also features interviews with leading photographers, instructors and innovators in the field of digital photography, and in-depth talks with the digital camera technology companies like Canon, Nikon and Adobe that make the tools you want to know more about.

And did we mention the contests? Scott and Michael love nothing more than giving away the latest books, training resources, camera accessories and software to their listeners. The only thing better than getting the latest and greatest goodies is getting them for free. 

But beyond the tips, techniques, news, interviews and reviews, what you might like most about Digital Photography Life is the friendship and community you will find with Scott, Michael and your fellow listeners. Scott and Michael approach every episode with the good humor and the excitement of true fanboys. As the founding hosts of the highly-successful, Podcast Award-nominated The Digital Photography Show, Scott and Michael have built a dedicated and lively community of advanced amateurs and professionals.

Come join the party at Digital Photography Life and be sure to bring your cameras!

PHM from Pittsburgh

PHM from Pittsburgh

Welcome to the first in a series of podcasts on pediatric hospital medicine. This series was created to keep the busy physician of today informed and up to date on some of the most important diagnoses and issues we face every day in the care of hospitalized children. There is free CME associated with this via the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC). After you have listened to the podcast just go to the link below, sign in and follow the directions, take the short quiz and get your free CME credit. _________________________________________________________________________ If you are new to the Internet-based Studies in Education and Research (ISER) website at UPMC, you will first need to create an account: Step 1. Create an Account If you have used the ISER website in the past, you can click on the link below and then log onto in order to complete the evaluation for this training: Step 2. Access the activity: Course -6352 History of Pediatric Hospitalist Medicine _________________________________________________________________________ Title of Course: History of Pediatric Hospital Medicine Course Director(s): Tony R Tarchichi M.D. – Assistant Professor at the Paul C. Gaffney Diagnostic Group, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC Basil Zitelli M.D. Edmund R. McCluskey Professor of Pediatric Medical Education. University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Chief, The Paul C. Gaffney Diagnostic Referral Service. Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh Sara McIntire M.D. Professor at the Paul C. Gaffney Diagnostic Group, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC Disclosure of Course Director(s): No disclosures Target Audience: This activity is directed to physicians who take care of hospitalized children, medical students, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants working in the emergency room, intensive care unit, or hospital wards Objectives: Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to: • Review the history of hospitalist medicine. •Discuss the current state of Pediatric Hospitalist medicine. •Discuss financial support of Pediatric Hospitalist Programs. • Released: 10/17/2016, Reviewed 10/17/2016 , Expire: 10/17/2016 Accreditation Statement: The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine designates this enduring material for a maximum of (1.0) AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome by E.M. Berens

Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome by E.M. Berens

Silver footed, fair haired Thetis, Ares the God of War, Nike the Goddess of Victory, The Furies and The Muses, Zeus the presiding deity of the Universe and the magical, mysterious Olympus, are some of the amazing, mythical Greek and Roman deities you'll encounter in this book. Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome by EM Berens was originally intended for young readers. Written in an easy and light style, the author attempts to bring the pantheon of gods into a comprehensible format. He organizes them into different dynasties and chronologies to make it easier for the reader to understand the labyrinthine relationships and connections between the various gods, heroes, minor divinities, mythical figures and legendary creatures. Greek and Roman legends form the base of all European art, literature and civilization itself. Since the advent of Christianity, the so called Pagan religion which dominated all of Europe for thousands of years were eclipsed but the study of the Classics as part of the education in Greek and Latin kept them alive. Today there's hardly a serious student of English or art who does not encounter some reference to an ancient Greek or Roman myth or deity somewhere in literature and the Western languages. A visit to any of the museums or classical art galleries in Europe would be one that's filled with allusions and depictions of Greek or Roman legends. For modern day readers, the book is a mine of information about the lineage of the gods, forms of worship, festivals and temples devoted to them. It is interestingly chronicled, right from the primordial legend of Uranus and Gaia to the Creation of the Earth, through the dynasties of the Gods, heroes and divinities of the Night and the Sea, right up to the Trojan War where the Gods played a most important role in the destiny of humans. The section on temples and worship is especially interesting for students of archeology and history. It also includes statues, augurs, soothsayers, temple architecture, altars, priests and sacrifices. The extensive footnotes and author's notes for each chapter add value and interest while the charming illustrations make it attractive for younger readers. Anyone who is interested in exploring the ancient legends of two of the oldest Western civilizations would certainly find Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome by E.M. Berens a source of hours of reading pleasure and a valuable addition to their bookshelf.

outsourcing websites

outsourcing websites

Outsource Website Design is part of Adodis Technologies, an ISO 9001-2008 certified company, extending its serives in website Designing, Website Development and Mobile application development. We would like to echo the thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi, when he said: "A customer is the most important visitor on our premises; he is not dependent on us, we are dependent on him. He is not an interruption of our work; he is the purpose of it. We are not doing him a favour by serving him; he is doing us a favour us the opportunity to do so". Adodis, an bangalore web design company is delivering State-Of-The-Art services to any complexity of clients globally. Please Visit us our portfolio here Joomla is another CMS that has risen in popularity. In Joomla there are functionalities to manage and control the website. Adodis has expertise in developing Joomla web designs and has developed several outsourcing websites for E-Commerce in Joomla. We have developed simple brochure websites to complex shopping cart solutions for companies abroad using Joomla as the foundation. You can outsource portal development to Adodis. When it comes to offshore website design there is no company better than outsource website design. We don’t just claim that if you look at our portfolio you will know that our outsourcing design is far better than the ones out there. You can do this by going to our outsourcing website which will also give you tips on design outsourcing and website outsourcing. There are lots of website for outsourcing but we provide the best rates in outsourcing websites. Hope you make an informed choice in website outsource services and pick us. Our design and development team is strong enough to handle any requirements. Why Outsource web Design Company? You can focus on your Core Competencies Lower costs and higher efficiency Reduced Overhead Operational control Flexible Staffing Outsource Drupal web design to Adodis Drupal is one of the CMS solutions that has become popular in the recent times since its ideal for large enterprise websites that garner large traffic. Our web design outsource company seem to enjoy working in Drupal a lot as its dynamic nature lets the designer make changes quickly to the website. We have a team of more than 150 Drupal developers who have developed more than 4000 websites for clients from across the Globe. We first analyze the requirements and build a website that will suffice all your needs. Please visit us,

ConCiencia Podcast

ConCiencia Podcast

Un Podcast de religión para aquellos que desagradan de la religión!

Producido por y Andres Marin Solis.

Hay 3 cosas que tienes que saber antes de escuchar un show de ConCiencia.

1- Este podcast no es de predicaciones... (para predicaciones vaya a la iglesia) Este podcast es de conversaciones. Nosotros creemos que conversar es indispensable para aprender y formar opiniones educadas. Si, ConCiencia trata de comentar, criticar y desafiar el estado actual del cristianismo y su relación con la sociedad actual, con una pizca de humor aveces. Y por eso sabemos que talvez va a causar controversia y posiblemente ofenderá a uno que otro religioso. Pero no se preocupen!!! Que no les vamos a vender una religión ni les vamos a estar rogando que se hagan cristianos ni hay comisión de por medio. Se los prometo!

2- Si crees en Dios, posiblemente este programa te vaya a ofender en algun momento... si NO crees en Dios, posiblemente este programa te vaya a ofender en algún momento, y si crees en extraterrestres... los creadores del programa tienen las expectativas tan bajas que no te van a juzgar. (Esperamos que nos extiendan la misma cortesía)

3- Los creadores del podcast no tienen ningún entrenamiento profesional y nunca van a presumir de saber mas o de ser mejores que nadie, pero les gusta informarse y leer hasta mas no poder, y por eso es que pueden debatir a muerte un tema entre ellos por horas y al final 2 cosas suceden que son muy interesantes: lo primero es que posiblemente ninguno va a cambiar de opinión, y lo segundo es que ellos van a seguir siendo amigos y se van a seguir respetando (como personas digo... Por que veces son mal hablados y se maltratan con palabras entre ellos). Ojalá el mundo real fuera así. (De respetuoso, no de mal hablado, aunque... No se si sabían pero un estudio llego a la conclusión que las personas mal habladas son usualmente mas inteligentes y tienen la capacidad de... Ahh, no importa)

Con esto en mente... Esperamos que disfrute el programa, y si quiere, le invitamos a que sea parte del show y del movimiento.

Les agradece:
Andres Marin Solis
Rick Santiago
David Lopez

Visítanos en nuestra pagina y escucha todos los podcasts que tenemos.
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#PodcastCristianoenEspañolparaJóvenes | #CristianismoProgresivo | Conversaciones sobre la biblia y la iglesia Cristiana | #PodcastDeDecosntrucción

English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs

English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs

Jack the Giant-Killer, Tom Thumb, Goldilocks and The Three Bears, Henny Penny, Dick Whittington, The Three Little Pigs, Red Riding Hood and a host of immortal characters are found in this delightful collection of English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs. The book made its first appearance in 1890 and has remained a firm favorite with both young and old ever since. Fairy tales have traditionally emanated from France and Germany. The famous compilations by La Fontaine and the Brothers Grimm have overshadowed children's literature for centuries. Yet, many of the stories we recount to children today have an English origin, something that we were unaware of. The author, Joseph Jacobs, was an Australian folklorist and historian who painstakingly compiled them from various sources. In the preface to the first edition he recounts how he collected some stories from the descendants of English immigrants in America and Australia, while he sourced others from English gypsies and old ballads. In many cases he had to rewrite and retell those stories which existed in verse form or in ancient dialects. Older forms of English had to be tailored to suit modern readers, while some of the more objectionable parts had to be discarded. Wicked step-mothers, rampaging giants, damsels in distress, gallant princes and evil spells are some of the staples in this fascinating collection. The author himself states that it was his intention to create a book in which the stories would sound as if they were being narrated by an old nurse or grandmother. Hence, the style is simple, direct and like he states, meant to be read aloud and not visually. The original edition also included extensive notes on the source from which he collected the stories and reference material which is of great interest to folk-lore enthusiasts. Such was the impact of some of the stories that they are referenced in Shakespeare's plays and provided inspiration for poets like Milton. The highlight of the book for serious readers is the elaborate footnotes which provide a great deal of information about different variants of these stories that are told in other parts of the world. One of the most attractive features in the book are the charming illustrations that accompany each tale. The book is a delightful read for both parents and children. Apart from old favorites, there are many new tales which most people would not have encountered like “Nix Nought Nothing” “The Laidly Worm of Spindleston Heugh” or “The Earl of Mar's Daughter.”

The Sunday Morning Hangover

The Sunday Morning Hangover

TEN REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD VOTE FOR“THE SUNDAY MORNING HANGOVER” AS THE BEST RADIO SHOW ON EUGENE WEEKLY’S BEST OF EUGENE BALLOT 2005 1) This week the Eugene Weekly has on the back cover the official ballot for the best of Eugene readers poll. And every year some lameass radio show like the STORM AND DENNIS show, 94.5 FM wins best radio show. Rather than having some corporate happy talk loser show that plays wimpy top 40 soft rock win again this year, strike a blow for free form radio that doesn’t suck and vote for “The Hangover”. 2) My show “The Sunday Morning Hangover” has been entertaining Eugene for almost three years playing obscure and forgotten popular music from the early 1900’s up to present day sounds. 3) In the space of Two hours on Sunday mornings on KWVA 88.1 FM I have covered musical genres such as Exotica, Lounge, International, Found Music, Stupid Songs, Bizarre Children’s Music, Jazz, Rock, Country, Folk, Classical, Nostalgia, and Comedy while trying to maintain a palatable mix entertaining enough to listen to even with a Hangover. 4) Past shows have featured Rare and Unreleased tracks not commercially available and unheard on other radio shows. 5) I have produced and obtained Biographic Specials about artists such as Martin Denny, Ray Charles, The Bonzo Dog Band, Brian Eno, Peggy Lee, Henry Mancini, William Shatner, The Kinks, The Beach Boys, and Pink Floyd. 6) Special segments include musical explorations of Bossa Nova, Stolen Melodies, Whistling Recordings, Song Poems, Doo Wop, Vintage 78’s and Bird Records. 7) The Hangover is not just about music. Talk and Discussion segments have included info on the Arts, Hangover Cures, Entertainment News, Obits, Tributes, Horoscopes, Political Comment, Weird News, and Pet Parades. 8) Topical Specials have entertained and informed you about Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Labor Day. 9) All of this is accomplished free of charge on a strictly volunteer basis with benefits to me other than sharing my love for music and thoughts about life, with NO COMMERCIALS. 10) The Tenth reason to vote The Sunday Morning Hangover Best Eugene Radio Show is to feed and stroke my massive ego, and everyone knows all radio DJ’s are egomaniacal assholes who need constant attention.

On The Road with Mac and Molly - Pets & Animals on Pet Life Radio (

On The Road with Mac and Molly - Pets & Animals on Pet Life Radio (

Thirty years ago – in the second year of our marriage -- my husband Gene and I (with our toddler Brooke in tow) took – what turned out to be – a glorious two month motor trip across Canada and Alaska – starting in Quebec and winding up in British Columbia. I still smile as I think of Gene shaving in our motor home’s rear view mirror on a cool morning by a pristine lake in Yukon Territory. I still cherish the extraordinary kindness of a farmer in Saskatchewan who rescued us from a ditch when our vehicle slid down an embankment. I still fill up with awe as I recall the staggering beauty of the Canadian Rockies. I still feel the excitement of the chuck wagon races at the Calgary Stampede, still ooh at the kick of the kitsch in Dawson’s Creek, still savor the aroma of Montreal’s culinary delights, still cherish my familial connections to Nova Scotia, still marvel at the enduring culture and artistry of the Tlingit, still delight in the metropolitan flair of Ottawa, Canada’s capitol city. Two years prior to this journey, Gene and I made our way -- in a Chevy Blazer -- across the United States stopping to applaud the precise timing of Old Faithful at Yellowstone, to laugh at the delightful antics of the black-tailed prairie dogs near Devil’s Tower in Wyoming, to estimate the miles to the next grain silo on the Great Plains, to marvel at all the wares (a jackalope?) on offer at Wall Drug . . . another wonderful adventure! Now we’ve auctioned our home and most the contents and are making the final preparations to hit the road again but -- this time – in a truck with a 38-foot fifth wheel trailer and with Mac and Molly, our sibling pair of four-year-old Old English Sheepdogs, along for the ride. With no specific itinerary, we'll travel about the United States and Canada reporting from the well-traveled thoroughfares and lightly-traveled lanes on the joys and challenges of sharing the open road with two-hundred-plus-pounds of dog. We’ll give you a heads up on what's dog-friendly along the way and we'll seek out the usual and the unusual, the celebrated and the hidden. We’ll report on fascinating places and events, intriguing trends, creative artists, unusual hobbyists, hard workers, odd jobbers, cutting-edge technology and old-time pleasures. Listeners may expect the light-hearted and the serious, entertainment, information, insights, passion, a fresh eye . . . all depending on the subject matter for each particular show. So come along as we head off . . . On the Road with Mac and Molly!

Animal Party -  Dog & Cat News, Animal Facts, Topics & Guests - Pets & Animals- Pet Life Radio Original (

Animal Party - Dog & Cat News, Animal Facts, Topics & Guests - Pets & Animals- Pet Life Radio Original (

The Animal Party starts with a bit of water-bowl talk covering the most explosive animal related news highlights and issues. Deborah gives her opinion along with the facts and stats you want to know to make up your own mind. Do you believe in allowing cats outdoors? What about removing their claws? Do pets make kids’ allergies worse? Have you ever thought about pit bulls? Get the facts and you’ll understand exactly why pit bulls have such a bad reputation and decide for yourself if banning breeds will solve the problem of dangerous dogs in your neighborhood. Topics covered include dog and cat news but go wherever animals and the people who love them go; Bears, fish, farm animals, pets of all sorts, exotics and environmental conservation issues are part of the show when they are part of the news. Every week Deborah invites an animal friend to join the party and that means you get to hear the best experts from the animal world chatting and sharing. Host Deborah Wolfe keeps you informed and educated as she amuses you with upbeat stories from her own dog & cat training and touring experience and she gets the most out of her guests. Listen and laugh as she gets a breeder to describe exactly how the match is made when the intended partners are less than willing, too eager or just clumsy! Whether it’s a stuffy professor or a dog training guru she gets them to share their most personal animal stories and insights and take a stand on controversial topics. Do you want to know how cats & dogs think and why they do what they do? Deborah will fill you in as she entertains you with animal jokes, haikus, riddles and trivia plus interviews with experts from all over the Animal World. Before the show ends Deborah will share her Animal Inbox and answer email pet behavior questions you send. Does your dog ignore you when you call? Does your cat ignore the litter box? Maybe your dog or cat hates your new husband? Get your pet problems solved on-air. Each show Deborah will give you her picks for favorite animal websites and then end the show with some homework your pets will love. Test your own cat or dog to see if he’s dumb or smart; learn how to say ‘hello’ to every dog and cat you meet, cook for your pets with ingredients you already have or plant a garden that will repel or attract cats or learn some party tricks to teach your dog or even your cat! This party is fun and you go home with a party favor and some animal facts and jokes to share at the office and at home with animal lovers of all ages.