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iProcrastinate Podcast

iProcrastinate Podcast

Dr. Timothy A. Pychyl, associate professor of psychology and director of the Procrastination Research Group (Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada), provides a series of short talks, interviews and question/answer podcasts that explain why we procrastinate and what we can do about it. An award winning educator, Dr. Pychyl challenges his listeners to explore their daily choices to act or postpone acting on their intentions. Do we head to the gym as intended, or slouch back on the couch thinking "I'll feel more like a workout tomorrow"? Do we tackle the task now, or do we avoid it arguing to ourselves that "I work better under pressure"? From losing 10 pounds to changing personal habits, Pychyl, a personality psychologist, focuses on the breakdown of intentional action - a problem commonly called procrastination. This series expands on three main themes: 1) irrational delay that sabotages personal productivity, 2) personality attributes that contribute to self-defeating behaviours, and 3) situational factors that undermine our ability to take or sustain action. Drawing on the research literature, topics include: self-handicapping, anxiety, self-regulation, perfectionism, will power, coping styles, effects on health and well-being, impulsivity, temporal discounting, motivation and even purpose in life. Of course, Dr. Pychyl doesn’t leave his listeners with the problem itself. Once these key factors have been established, he turns his attention to techniques that facilitate self change, habit-breaking implementation intentions, as well as strategies that help each of us to “carpe diem!� The emphasis is on self-understanding, practical advice and tools for change. We guarantee that you will find this an engaging series of podcasts that will provide you with tactics to increase personal productivity and well-being.

Wholly Made Life™- ReClaim your Whole Life, Tap into God-Sized Fulfillment for the Success Driven Woman, Mama, Wife, Sister

Wholly Made Life™- ReClaim your Whole Life, Tap into God-Sized Fulfillment for the Success Driven Woman, Mama, Wife, Sister

Wholly Made Life™- Wholly Made Life™- ReClaim your Whole Life, Tap into God-Sized Fulfillment for the Success Driven Woman. Claiming Courageous Action, Restoring Faith & Fulfillment in Motherhood, Mission, & Mindset. Faith-Led Mama, God-Led Marriage, Inspired and Bold Confidence, Holy Spirit - Led Mindset. Question? Find me at I believe that you are not created to do just one thing in your life well. You are not just your job, your title or your salary. You're not just a mom or sister. You are fearfully and wonderfully made to lead in all areas of your Whole life. Your life is like a pie that's made up of different pieces that create a complete circle and you deserve to enjoy the whole pie. Hi, I'm Angie Tonini -Rogers, a nurse and Intentional Life Coach, through Balance, Boundary, and Accountability Strategies. I know you are really good at what you do (career, profession, business), but you're ready to stop ignoring different pieces of your pie and reclaim your whole life! Let's tap into your whole life God has for you and experience that God-size fulfilled life together. We're going to walk through some boundaries, leadership, mindset, and restoration in different areas of your life that may need to change. It's going to be some tough work up in here, girl, but we're gonna walk this thing out together, uncovering some bold, courageous actions that we can take to experience, not just a good life, but your whole life. Are you ready to live your whole life, Holy made? Let's do it! I believe in leading with love in all things, and also I love you enough to challenge you to grow; loving you enough where you are, but challenging you to not stay where you are. We are called to grow. We are called to become who it is we're intended to be. So think about it, who has God called you to be? Are you living that out in every area of your life? Are you balancing all areas of your life? That's what this podcast is going to be about. We're going to walk this out together. We're on this journey together. We are going to focus on the pieces of the pie that make up your whole life. So here are the pieces in no particular order of importance: (1) Physical. This includes health and wellness. It includes your mental and emotional health. (2) Personal. This is your self-care, your self-development and your mindset. (3) Financial. Are you where you need to be for today, tomorrow? And for your future, are you creating that legacy? Are you satisfied with the amount of money you're making? Are you able to tithe, are you getting overflow so that you can give what you want to give, when you want to give? (4) Spiritual. Are you connected? Are you in relationship with God every day? Are you able to notice those little "God winks" that people talk about? Those things that confirm what it is you're feeling? Are you listening to Holy spirit directives that God's been trying to tell you or show you ? Are your eyes open enough to see God in your everyday life? Are your eyes and ears open up to see and hear everything that's happening around you That tells you who it is you are, and what it is you're supposed to be doing? (5) Relationships. This is your marriage, motherhood, friendships, your social life. (6) Professional. This is your job, your career, your business, maybe it's your passions and what you're doing. Do you feel fulfilled in all of these areas? Are there places that you feel like you want more out of your pieces of the pie ? Is there room for improvement in any area? Sometimes discovering the whole fulfilled life means we might have to take bold actions, step out in blind faith. We have to show a level of maturity and accountability that allows us to get to the destinations we're trying to reach. Let's walk this journey out together, into our Whole Life, Holy Made. My Email ==> Connect with me==> Join our Community==>

Living My Side Hustle: Inspiration for Anyone That Does Extra

Living My Side Hustle: Inspiration for Anyone That Does Extra

Are you looking to turn your passions into profit? Welcome to Living My Side Hustle, the podcast that's all about starting and thriving with your very own side hustle! If you've ever dreamed of turning your hobbies and interests into a lucrative venture, then this is the show for you.

Having a side hustle is not just an advantage; it's a game-changer! Join your hosts, Dave and Jennifer Campbell, as they share their inspiring journey from starting their side hustle back in 2014 to watching it grow and mature over time. With countless lessons learned, fun success stories, and a few epic fails along the way, they have invaluable insights to help you succeed with your side hustle.

Whether you're seeking extra income for your family's needs or saving up for those big expenses, a well-crafted side hustle can be the solution. Not only can it enhance your current job, but it also has the potential to liberate you from a passionless career.

Living My Side Hustle believes that a side hustle isn't just something you do on the side; it's a lifestyle. Embrace the mindset of an entrepreneur and discover the endless possibilities of turning your hobbies and interests into a profitable and enjoyable endeavor.

Join our ever-growing community of side hustlers by visiting our website at We'll bring you engaging and actionable content, covering various exciting topics, from ideation and business planning to marketing strategies and tips for maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Unlock the potential of your side hustle and make it a fun and rewarding experience. Because remember, a side hustle should never feel like just another job—it should be an adventure you live every day! Tune in to Living My Side Hustle now and let's embark on this entrepreneurial journey together.

The Future And You

The Future And You

What can we expect of next week, next year, next century? What will we eat, drive, wear, live in, vote for, want to buy, and want to avoid? What mistakes of the past will we make again, and which ones have we learned from? From the next tick of the clock to the ultimate end of the universe, every subject will be fair game. Composed of interviews and essays--and hosted by the science fiction author, Stephen Euin Cobb--this series of programs will explore the future. Guests will include: Authors, Scientists, Celebrities and Pioneers; as well as those witnessing the growing trends of the future, often because those trends are changing their lives today. This program is not about magic, or prophecy, or psychic divination. Instead, we will attempt to use verifiable facts as our foundation, and from them extrapolate forward. All such extrapolations--regardless of the credentials of those putting them forth--must be considered pure opinion. Time alone, will allow these extrapolations to be verified or nullified. Topics and themes we will explore include: nanotechnology and biotechnology; organlegging, molecular manufacturing and computers wired directly into the human brain; extropianism, transhumanism and the technology of individual immortality; globalization, global warming and nuclear proliferation; cryonics and cryogenics; genetic engineering and the human genome project; embryos, cloning and stem cell research; astronomy and other space explorations (NASA, Hubble, exoplanets, SETI, ESA, CCCP); robots, robotics and artificial intelligence (AI); remote sensing and waldoes; legal and illegal uses of the internet; solar cells, peak oil and alternative energy; aging and medical longevity; FTL (faster than light travel, as in Star Trek and Star Wars) and worm holes (as in StarGate SG-1); progress in health, education and neuroscience, as well as evolution, agriculture and inventions; and how what was once science fiction is now biology, chemistry and physics. Everything from futurism to futurology. To learn more, check the show's website at:

Librivox: Interior Castle, The by Teresa de Jesus (Avila), Santa

Librivox: Interior Castle, The by Teresa de Jesus (Avila), Santa

El Castillo Interior or Las Moradas (trans.:The Interior Castle or The Mansions) was written by Saint Teresa of Ávila in 1577. After being ordered to write her autobiographical La Vida de la Santa Madre Teresa de Jesús (The Life of S. Teresa of Jesus), Teresa was hesitant to begin writing again on her views of the perfection found in internal prayer. In the hands of the Inquisition at that time, her Life was commonly believed to be the weight in the scale of whether to call her experiences heretical or not. Her humility and claims that, “I am not meant for writing; I have neither the health nor the wits for it,” almost prevented Teresa from composing The Interior Castle. However, according to a letter written by Fray Diego, one of Teresa’s former confessors, Teresa was finally convinced to write her book after a she received a vision from God. Diego wrote that God revealed to Teresa, "...a most beautiful crystal globe, made in the shape of a castle, and containing seven mansions, in the seventh and innermost of which was the King of Glory, in the greatest splendour, illumining and beautifying them all. The nearer one got to the centre, the stronger was the light; outside the palace limits everything was foul, dark and infested with toads, vipers and other venomous creatures."[1] With that, Interior Castle was born. It contained the basis for what she felt should be the ideal journey of faith, comparing the contemplative soul to a castle with seven successive interior courts, or chambers, analogous to the seven heavens. Teresa's consumption of chivalric romances as a child subsequently influenced such imagery, which is prevalent in many of her mystical works.[2] It is also not unduly speculative that living in a walled city like Ávila must have influenced her thinking. The concept of an "interior" life is still important in Spanish thinking in the twenty-first century. An English translation was published in London in 1852. (from

Librivox: Interior Castle, The by Teresa de Jesus (Avila), Santa

Librivox: Interior Castle, The by Teresa de Jesus (Avila), Santa

El Castillo Interior or Las Moradas (trans.:The Interior Castle or The Mansions) was written by Saint Teresa of Ávila in 1577. After being ordered to write her autobiographical La Vida de la Santa Madre Teresa de Jesús (The Life of S. Teresa of Jesus), Teresa was hesitant to begin writing again on her views of the perfection found in internal prayer. In the hands of the Inquisition at that time, her Life was commonly believed to be the weight in the scale of whether to call her experiences heretical or not. Her humility and claims that, “I am not meant for writing; I have neither the health nor the wits for it,” almost prevented Teresa from composing The Interior Castle. However, according to a letter written by Fray Diego, one of Teresa’s former confessors, Teresa was finally convinced to write her book after a she received a vision from God. Diego wrote that God revealed to Teresa, "...a most beautiful crystal globe, made in the shape of a castle, and containing seven mansions, in the seventh and innermost of which was the King of Glory, in the greatest splendour, illumining and beautifying them all. The nearer one got to the centre, the stronger was the light; outside the palace limits everything was foul, dark and infested with toads, vipers and other venomous creatures."[1] With that, Interior Castle was born. It contained the basis for what she felt should be the ideal journey of faith, comparing the contemplative soul to a castle with seven successive interior courts, or chambers, analogous to the seven heavens. Teresa's consumption of chivalric romances as a child subsequently influenced such imagery, which is prevalent in many of her mystical works.[2] It is also not unduly speculative that living in a walled city like Ávila must have influenced her thinking. The concept of an "interior" life is still important in Spanish thinking in the twenty-first century. An English translation was published in London in 1852. (from

SpinalColumnRadio - chiropractic interviews, philosophy, history, politics, comedy | Spinal Column Radio for the chiropracTOR

SpinalColumnRadio - chiropractic interviews, philosophy, history, politics, comedy | Spinal Column Radio for the chiropracTOR

As he enthusiastically announces at the opening of each show with theme music blaring… “My name is Dr. Thomas Lamar, ChiropracTOR and Dad of Seven!” On January 1st, 2010, this chiropracTOR — along with his then 9 year-old audio engineer son, Logan — launched Spinal Column Radio, an Internet radio program about “all-things-chiropractic.” Modeled after his longstanding community newspaper column, Lamar’s target audience initially was the lay public. Eight months later though, through a string of amazing events, a “shift” happened and Spinal Column Radio found itself in its present format: serving the chiropracTIC profession by delivering content that motivates, supports, and encourages chiropractors world-wide (along with their assistants, students, advocates, and students-to-be), to uphold and revere the principles in which chiropractic has thrived since 1895. “Ironically, while my audience has seemingly shifted from the lay public, I’m finding that by delivering content that spurns the average chiropractor in the trenches to be the best chiropractor he or she can be, I have not left my post of educating the lay public about chiropractic… about, as I say, ‘to think about their health in a whole new way’ — instead,” Lamar shares, ”I have found a way to leverage my message through hundreds and hundreds of chiropractors all over the planet, which in turn influence their communities. In this sense, the message is being disseminated in a much grander way.” The show has literally taken the father-son team — with their studio in tow — coast to coast for on location interviews with some of the greatest names and minds in the profession at events such as New Beginnings Chiropractic Weekends, The California Jam, and ChiroFest. With nearly 300 interviews “in the can,” Lamar is quickly living up to the description someone once gave him as being “The Larry King of Chiropractic.” “Who knew…” - as he spouts off in his introduction - “…spinal education could be THIS much fun!”

The Reconnected Human - Podcast

The Reconnected Human - Podcast

This is the podcast that will blast you out into the cosmos but will pull you back down to earth and reconnect you to your roots. We do not hold anything back with the guests on this show. We honor their time and take full advantage of the opportunity to learn from these great people. We will be discussing the passion that drives them, and how they reconnect their own unique art to the world. This podcast is specifically formatted to help us learn, grow, and explore new ideas. We are connecting with the experts in all different fields to see how they reconnect themselves back to nature, and how they're reconnecting with others. We will learn from our guests and use the information that we get to help us reach new heights with our health and in our own lives, in order to help others. This podcast is a highly valuable resource in that it allows us to talk to people all over the world whom are kicking ass and getting ideas out into space for others to grab on to. Listen and enjoy the fun and easy conversation with some of today's best humans. Feel free to open your mind in order to learn, grow, and explore with us. In this podcast, we will be deconstructing perhaps complex ideas and making them into life hacks that you can apply right away. Use the show notes below each episode and keep your ears ready for fun shit to help you reconnect yourself. The sharing of ideas can provide a stable platform for you to blast out into the universe. This will be a huge source of learning for us, so keep an eye out for more information to be explored in the blog, newsletter, and videos. Now strap in and get ready to blast out of your reality and into the one of a Reconnected Human.

Simply Pets Radio (formerly Your Pets My Dogs) - on Pet Life Radio (

Simply Pets Radio (formerly Your Pets My Dogs) - on Pet Life Radio (

SIMPLY PETS RADIO (formerly known as Your Pets My Dogs) with Host Lisa Smith Putnam {LSP}is excited to welcome you to our new show! We have changed our name to broaden our brand and reach, but it is still the same 'ole loving talk radio show that you have come to love and know! Some of our lives are on the run, others stay at home. Some are young and some are old. Many are different hues of the rainbow, but ALL of us have one thing in common, we love our PetKids as they are, and they’re vital and beloved members of our home! Simply Pets Radio celebrates the bond and lifestyle PetParents have and live with their PetKids! Episodes spotlight pet health, well-being, fascinating animal stories--some funny, some sad, some uplifting... and all teaching us a thing or two. Our Host Lisa Smith-Putnam {LSP} seems to ask the questions we want to have the answers too. It‘s as if for each interview we are there in the studio with her. Sharing your passion, your concerns- inspiring each and every one of us to do better and be better today than we were yesterday! You name it and Simply Pets Radio is talking about it! With celebrities, everyday pet owners, specialty occupations within the animal kingdom (animal psychics, pet massagers, etc.) any and all things we find intriguing. We spotlight animals all over the world and the humans that are the caretakers of this planet that we share with such wonderful creatures, the ones that are domesticated and the ones that are still able to roam and want to be free. People are saying, "You must listen to Simply Pets Radio"- " it is a fun, informative show and it’s a keeper". Once you take a listen, we think you will agree! With our fun filled shows, we promise you will want to laugh, share and play with us everyday!

The Young Jurks

The Young Jurks

THE YOUNG JURKS, Mike Cann, weekly DigBoston BLUNT TRUTH columnist. Guests ranging from Pirates to Politicians. Dedicated to our Brother, Michael L. Malta, KOP! (1961-2013) THE YOUNG JURKS not just reporting the news, making the news, LIVE SATURDAYS, 6pm, “The Young Jurks are cool”, Hall of Fame sports broadcaster, Bob Lobel. “You guys are great. Yes, I recommend The Young Jurks, I wish we had more media like you. ” Evan Falchuk, United Independent Party. "I love The Young Jurks and Mike Cann, and always look forward to going on their show. They reach a younger, informed audience that likes to dive into the details on issues. We don't always agree on everything, but that's what makes it such a lively discussion." Maine State Rep. Diane Russell. “A beacon of light in a dark morass of disfunction”, Andrew DeAngelo of Harborside Health Center on The Young Jurks/DigBoston features compared to the rest of the major Boston media. "I love The Young Jurks! They are quick to cover important subjects that the Mainstream Media does not. Being a guest on their show has put me in touch with influential people that are willing to help the Massachusetts Patient Advocacy Alliance further the medical marijuana program in MA. When I am not a guest, I tune in to listen every Saturday. Their show is fast paced and educational. Just how I like it!" Nichole Snow, Executive Director,Massachusetts Patient Advocacy Alliance “No one in the Boston area has succeeded in creating something this fresh and daring in political programming” Lucia Fiero, US Pirate Party Secretary, Mass Rep to the Pirate National Committee. "The buzz around Citizen Journalism is about the content, but The Young Jurks are more than that. They don't just report -- they discuss, they involve and they educate. It's activism through information. The YJ listener knows that by the end of every show they will have laughed and learned" Daniel Fishman For Senate.