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Kefi Life

Kefi Life

Flourish and feel alive in mind, body and soul - the Greek way! Join radio personality Kiki Vale on Kefi Life, a podcast that will enlighten listeners to discover ways to prosper in life and seize moments. The energy and essence of our episodes is to lead you to a life where all is well- Ola Kala! Take care of the body through nutrition and movement. Cultivate the mind through thought and discussion. Nourish the soul through prayer, passion and “philotimo” – one of my favorite Greek words, and one that is uniquely Greek; it describes a way of life; the spirit of duty and doing what’s right and honorable even when difficult. Each week, Kiki will begin her episode with a logo, or word, to help harmonize your mind, body and soul. Kefi, another formidable word, bringing joy, passion & soul to the podcast, will combine with the tenets of wellness. Like a true Hellene, Kiki will share recipes, storytelling, commentary, expert interviews, all of which lean upon the knowledge and wisdom learned at the table of her Greek ancestors, philosophers and from leading doctors specializing in Integrative Medicine. Kiki is a graduate of the school of Integrative Nutrition. Tune in each week to build on a life of Ola Kala – All Is Well. NOTE: This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. None of the information should be construed as medical advice. Users are encouraged to seek professional medical assistance for any significant health-related matters. Podcast Podcast

Simply put I am the son of a farmer, a husband to Sara, the father of Julie and Andrew, and a grandpa to some delightful children. I consider myself a brother on a journey, willing to share what God has given to me in any way that will help others discover the joy of life in him. As you will see the Lord has been gracious to me, and everything he has done in me and through me is by his mercy and grace. I hope the real story you glean from these pages is a greater awareness of God's unfolding work in you, not in me. That's a story worth knowing." I have been on a life-long journey to sort out what it means to live in the love of the Father. I also have an unremitting desire to help other people who are on that journey or want to go on it, which is why I maintain I enjoy helping people discover how to live loved by God and to live freely in healthy friendships with other believers. As we learn to do that, we'll also find that we will quite naturally become a conduit of God's compassion to a world that is broken and devastated by sin. I have shared this story in books and articles, spoken of it in teachings,which you can find out more about on this website. I also co-host a regular podcast at The God Journey.

Fiercely Human

Fiercely Human

Are you yearning to break free from the cycles you find yourself in--with your mindset, relationship with food, your body, purpose, impact, career, personal relationship or to the relationship to life itself? To step out of the mind chatter and into a deeper sense of self-trust, presence, joy, and fulfillment? Fiercely Human may be perfect for you, as it designed for humans curious about what it means to be here, at this particular time and space, with our incredible gifts and serious limitations, who are yearning to truly grow and fulfill their potential (not just with achievements, those are great) but with deep internal meaning and alignment with the most powerful resources we have available to and presence. We will be finding renewed strength, inspiration and perspectives in the stories of fierce humans, world shakers and experts as we examine what it means to feel powerful on a mind, body and soul level--in all the areas of our lives. Also, as a TEDx speaker, seasoned soul-based life & health coach, emotional eating expert, self-sabotage slayer, story-teller and a human who struggles too, you can expect real, raw, vulnerable confessions of what it means to THIS human to try, fail, and to ultimately start to rise. You will leave feeling uplifted, awake, inspired and will some serious soul in your step. You can check me out at or @bethclaytoncoach on Instagram!

The American Mind

The American Mind

The American Mind Podcast uncovers the ideas and principles that drive American political life. In each episode, we engage Claremont Institute scholars, co-conspirators, and critics in thought-provoking discussions about the real causes of our current political and cultural reality. We explore these ideas with an eye towards restoring American civic health. The Roundtable is a weekly show, hosted by our editors and publisher with a unique blend of joviality and intellectually stimulating conversation, boosted by an occasional glass of whisky. Each episode focuses on a handful of topics that carry significant weight in the debate of ideas for the best path of American life, both privately and civically. Of course, we do reserve some time for fun in each show. Occasionally, we produce special podcast features on individual topics with commentary from the top thinkers in America today. Think of American Mind Podcast specials as succinct audio-documentaries. Tell us what you think! Subscribe to our channel, rate us, leave a review, and help spread the word to your friends and colleagues! Interested in hearing from us on a particular topic? Email your suggestions to And visit our website,, for essays, editorials, debates, and more. The American Mind, The Roundtable, and our specials are productions of the Claremont Institute. The mission of the Claremont Institute is the recovery of the American idea—the timeless principles that have made America great since its founding.

The Happy Hour Effect: Leadership | Sales | Performance | Kristen Brown

The Happy Hour Effect: Leadership | Sales | Performance | Kristen Brown

Discover a fresh philosophy to inspire your team to love coming to work every day and give their best while they’re there to boost personal and bottom-line growth. Kristen Brown is a bestselling author, team performance expert, work/life strategist, and professional speaker who shares her proven Happy Hour Effect message to amplify leadership potential, sales, service, work/life happiness, goal-getting, personal branding and less stress. During Happy Hour, we’re at our best – connected, open-minded, relaxed, creative and energized all at once. By creating Happy Hour Effect moments throughout the day, we harness those same mindset shifts that allow us to grow and thrive personally and professionally. Why does this matter? It matters for PEOPLE because we all need to feel secure, respected and supported in our goals and stress levels at work AND at home to flourish. And when we flourish, we’re motivated to do well and step into leadership in all areas of our lives – work, family, hobbies, friends, spirituality, health and more. It matters for COMPANIES because a workforce that lives by the Happy Hour Effect philosophy is productive, happy, innovative, and effective when it comes to sales, customer service, engagement, and creating opportunities to impact the bottom line. So you see – the Happy Hour Effect is more than just a clever term. It’s a powerful philosophy that can change your thinking, change your workforce and change the world.

LaborNews: Information about most of us

LaborNews: Information about most of us

This podcast is the result of many years of listening news broadcasts, commercial or otherwise, that seem to be addressed to a country of multimillionaires, living of the proceeds of properties as well as the earnings from an unlimited source of stocks that Wall Street pours on our coffers. ````The fact is, over 100 millon full time salaried workers make, in average, just $643 a week. On top of that, nowadays workers have to pay higher health care costs, higher fees for education, higher gasoline prices, plus looking at ever diminishing retirement funds. ````Why isn't there a single program on radio or TV, or a single regular column on a major newspaper regularly addressing the interests and concerns of regular people, salaried workers struggling hard to make ends meet? Countless conspiracy theories could be developed, many of them very likely to be true. Suffice to say that the American ideal is no longer an honest and hardworking man or woman, but a clever home-day-trader, or a outrageously paid CEO. If the rest of us can't make it into one of those two categories, it's only our fault, and we deserve what we get. ````What to do, then? Put our little grain of sand on this endless beach of ideas called the Internet, and provide those who want to hear and learn, with the information scattered but never organized in a recognizable shape that could be of interest to... most of us. ````Enjoy, contribute, suggest, and pass the word. Peace.

Your Brain ON Positive with Jackie Simmons

Your Brain ON Positive with Jackie Simmons

When I heard that my brain on positive was 31% more productive than my brain on negative, neutral, or stressed, I knew I heard a “Truth”. I'm Jackie Simmons, your host. I believe that you can put your brain on positive only if you are willing to face one uncomfortable truth. It’s a decision you must make. You must decide that putting your brain on positive is your job and no one else's. Your Brain ON Positive is about getting radical . . . not just radical self-improvement, but also self-acceptance. self-responsibility, and self-esteem. Why? Because if you don’t esteem yourself, if you don't have a healthy self-centeredness, you won't take responsibility for your emotional state or actions. Your Brain ON Positive is about you owning your emotional state so that other people's emotions don't impact you so much. And other people's judgments, opinions, and expectations stay just that, other people's. So your life is based on your judgments, opinions and expectations, no one else's. If you’re comfortable letting other people dictate how you feel, what you do, what you think, and what you believe, then this is not the podcast for you. On the other hand, if you want to be in the center of your own life, if you want to get to the end of your life knowing that you lived your life, and not someone else’s, then stay. This is the journey that I invite my guests to speak about. We’ll help you write a new story; one that serves you greatly.

Dancing in the Kitchen

Dancing in the Kitchen

Get ready to find your groove and bust a move because you are about to dance it out with Annie Leigh! Annie Leigh Edwards is a pastor’s wife, mom of three, writer, motivational coach, and a firm believer that life is better when you’re dancing the kitchen. Like our kitchens, life is messy - but it doesn’t have to keep us from enjoying the daily grind. Dancing in the Kitchen podcast will be like a dance party with good friends. All the pressure is off. Wherever life finds you - whether it’s wiping booties or writing books, folding laundry or commuting, when you are feeling it (and especially when you are not) this podcast is for you. Dancing in the Kitchen offers interviews with some of your favorite authors, speakers, and artists. It includes conversations/ramblings with Annie Leigh and her friends as they “break it down” and share personal stories of failing forward and practical tips to do life. Be prepared to hear topics related to Gospel-centered living, parenting, depression, sex, marriage, cultivating friendships, healthy living, meal planning, and of course, pop culture. Each episode will equip you to focus on what matters most and live with intentionality, resolve, and confidence. Discover that true joy and the power to change comes from living inside-out. We will learn to be content in our current season of life, all while dreaming big for the glory of God. Together, we will be inspired to treat life more like a dance floor and less like a boxing ring (which means less bruises, and more fun).

Soccer Psychology Tips

Soccer Psychology Tips

On Soccer Psychology Insights, mental game experts Jaki Hitzelberger, MA & Dr. Patrick Cohn will teach you cutting-edge mental game strategies to find the zone faster and improve your mental game. If you want to get the most out of your soccer performance, you’ve come to the right place. Learn how to regain your confidence in games and focus on what's important to your success. Here, you’ll learn how to: Use your mind as an asset in games, how to prepare mentally before games and get the most our of your skills, how to trust in the skills you practice during games, and how to focus on the right performance cues instead of distractions. About Your Hosts: Jaki Hitzelberger has her Masters in Mental Health Counseling and specializes in sports psychology. She was a 4 year collegiate scholarship soccer player and has worked with high school, collegiate, and pro athletes on their mental game. Jaki is a certified Mental Game Coaching Professional through Peak Performance Sports. As the director of Peak Performance Sports, Jaki is head of marketing, program design, research, and membership programs. Dr. Patrick Cohn is a sports psychology expert at Peak Performance Sports with over 20 year of experience. Dr. Cohn works with athletes and teams worldwide from a variety of sport backgrounds including soccer players and coaches. As the president and founder of Peak Performance Sports (Orlando, Florida), Dr. Patrick J. Cohn is dedicated to instilling confidence and composure, and teaching effective mental game skills to help athletes, teams, and corporate professionals perform at maximum levels.

We Get to Know

We Get to Know

We Get to Know is a media company specializing in podcast creation, original & shared content, and short form interviews. We are interviewing your favorite creatives, innovators, business owners, influencers and bloggers from a variety of industries. For years we have all been following some of the most inspiring people through various creative mediums and our social media platforms. We are looking to connect and be inspired. We try new recipes, we look for style inspirations, or maybe even design an entirely new kitchen on ideas we see and share through these cultivators. These ideas are what sparked the inspiration for We Get to Know. Have you ever craved knowing just a little bit more about their personal stories and favorite things? We can answer that question with a definitive YES. To satisfy this craving we have launched our podcast, We Get to Know. We chat with your favorite people and influencers from a variety of fields including health food + wellness, design, fitness, travel, fashion, entertainment and comedy; truly the topics are endless. Our newest project is a short form interview series called, 13 Questions by We Get to Know, featuring creatives, artist and interesting people that indulge our curiosity and chat about their upcoming projects. We will be tossing an array of questions to our guests in a unique, energetic and entertaining Q&A format. We are excited to share their conversations and responses with all of you. We welcome your feedback, guest ideas and listener questions for our guest.