June 9, 2010

The Michael E. Gerber Talk Radio Show - Big Voices in Small Business show

Summary: Michael reports on his speaking tour in Calgary and Vancouver. --------------- He interviews Julie Goldman who owns a wedding runner company, producing beautiful and durable runners. Her success has spawned a slew of copy cats with inferior products and lower prices. Her problem: How to educate prospects her products are superior. Michael takes Julie deeper into her branding and positioning to solve her problem. www.originalrunners.com -------------- Michael also interviews Allison Evanow, owner of Square One Vodka, an organic Vodka. Her problem is how to get people in her distribution channel to do what they say they will do. Michael shows Allison an original approach that is cost & time effective. www.squareonevodka.com --------------- Michael also interviews Lisa Furtado, a Canadian citizen living in Taiwan, who produces wedding dresses faster and of less cost than anyone else. Her problem: How does she increase sales overseas. Michael helps her find a unique solution and she is excited about her new approach. www.starsrocketsunicorns.com