July 7, 2010

The Michael E. Gerber Talk Radio Show - Big Voices in Small Business show

Summary: Michael interviews Susan Young who has a dream to enlighten millions of men and women on what makes them unique and to follow their passion and focus on their strengths. She developed a system for teaching this information that will prepare you for college, help you select a career & find the right partner for you. Her website is www.personalityuniv.com. One of her greatest strengths is her natural ability to listen and motivate people to see things in themselves that they may not recognize. Because of this, people trust her and love to share their stories and are comfortable telling her things they never tell anyone else. The biggest single problem her business faces is how to stop doing it, doing it, doing it, and to work ON her business and not IN it. Michael helps Susan clarify her business “end game”. ------------------------------ Michael also interviews Char Brooks who has a passion for helping patients and their healthcare providers speak the same language. She says that if you can’t explain clearly what is going on within you, no one can help you. But the problem is that we don’t step into that role when we don’t feel good. To meet this need, Char created an eBook, which is really a piece of software, that can provide all the information your healthcare providers need when you aren’t well. The name of the eBook is “Patient Power: Get the HealthCare You Deserve”, and is a series of worksheet templates that can be used again and again for different needs. Her web site is www.the-first-step.com. Char says her market is people with pains and ailments that they’re pushing out of their mind because it’s too diff to deal with. This work is her contribution to mankind. She offers workshops & a free teleclass, blog, web site, & is on Twitter. The biggest problem in her business is what is the best use of her time and energy to promote her work? Char Brooks, eBook: The First Step, 517-332-0755, char@the-first-step.com, www.the-first-step.com.