Encyclopedia Paranoiaca / Skirt Steak

Prime Time Radio - AARP show

Summary: Part A: There are many seemingly healthy, harmless and common objects, which are actually perilously hazardous to our health. The list of objects and activities that potentially pose life-threatening dangers is long and ranges from flip-flops and hand washing to leafy greens and drinking straws. However, Christopher Cerf and Henry Beard have taken great pains to compile this list into one comprehensive volume called, “Encyclopedia Paranoiaca.” Christopher Cerf joins Prime time Radio discuss these many perils of everyday life. Part B: The culinary industry can bring to mind images of intense chefs toiling long hours in steamy kitchens in glamorous restaurants or painstakingly created pastries. Most of the time when we imagine these things, we envision the chefs as men chopping away with razor sharp knives or balancing sizzling pans. Charlotte Druckman gives a different perspective of the industry in her book, “Skirt Steak,” telling what it is like for the female chef in the cutthroat and male dominated world of the restaurant business