On a Mission! – Ep 2

Finding Bryan show

Summary: <br> People need to have direction to go on a when they are on a quest or a mission.<br> To know the direction you are wanting to go is a great help and will allow for a greater success of accomplishing any goals you are wanting to meet.<br> I wrote a post about how to make a mission statement with using a  <a title="This is a Mission Statement" href="http://findingbryan.com/this-is-a-mission-statement/">Mission statement generator</a>. This came to help out greatly in that I was able to find out how a mission statement should look like.  <br> The questions that the <a title="Mission Statement Generator" href="http://www.franklincovey.com/msb/">generator</a> asked were not easy. They actually made you think about how and what direction you wanted the mission statement to go. With the results you were able to decided then edit the mission statement to work in the genereal direction and specifically where in life you want to head.<br> After looking through and answering the questions I worked on my Statement for a little over a week and was able to form <a title="The Mission Statement!" href="http://findingbryan.com/the-mission-statement/">My Mission Statement</a> and I have started reading it everyday and learning to apply it to heart.<br> So I read this everyday at the very least.<br> <br> MY MISSION STATEMENT<br> My Life’s journey is a constant search for God, Self, and LifeI will engage the drive to improve myself and my family, to be better than the day before.Through loyalty and dedication, I will live as Bryan Goodwin.I will lead my family, into a better life.I will bring God Back into my life through true humility and prayer.My family depends on me, so I must be there for my family.I will seek my higher purpose and listen for clues from that small still voice within.Though life may be hard, I cannot forget that life is fun. Have fun. Laugh daily.Throw Cruelty out, and invite joy into the house everydayEnjoy and embrace the delight that every day brings.I will seek to improve my productivity while maintaining  grace and a level headMy children WILL be better off than I was.I want people to remember me for being friendly, wise, happy, and a trusted source of knowledge.Being true to myself will be the hardest task to complete.I will not feel sorry for myself, but like my dad, accept what life has dealt me. Use his eternal Optimism to build with.I will find enjoyment in my hobbies and friends.I am at my best when I have a clear path.I will avoid being pressed for time.In doing so, I will be able to grow my podcasts from a hobby to a profitable and successful business.<br> <br>