The Power of Peace In You with Marlise Karlin (The Explore Your Spirit with Kala Show)

Explore Your Spirit with Kala show

Summary: On this episode of the Explore Your Spirit with Kala Show, Kala speaks with author Marlise Karlin. In 2001, Marlise had a series of expanded reality experiences that shifted her purpose in life and taught her how to transmit an Energy stream of higher intelligence. The Simplicity of Stillness is the groundbreaking methodology she developed, that teaches you how to integrate this profound Life-Force Energy into the practical of everyday. The Power of Peace in You delivers a method for higher learning that has transformed thousands of people’s lives around the world. This inspiring book, filled with stories of people from every culture, sets a new paradigm for living with an awakened mind and open heart that will empower how you see and do just about everything.