Neal Barnard MD (taped interview)

Dr. McDougall's Audio Podcast "McDougallCast" show

Summary: In this 1993 interview, Dr. Neal Barnard, founder of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), touches on some key topics of his book, Food for Life, as well as some of the dietary myths that people cling to. Barnard says he founded PCRM in 1985 for three reasons: to put a greater focus on prevention, to clean up research, and to promote better and more compassionate access to medical care. “We've got to prevent disease, not just detect it and treat it, because that's where we win the game with cancer, heart disease and other life-threatening illnesses,” he says. Barnard emphasizes the fact that vegetarians cost our country far less than those who consume animal products, and that approximately $50-$60 billion annually could be saved (related just to heart disease, cancer, hypertension, diabetes and gallbladder surgery) if people followed Dr. McDougall's dietary recommendations. Note: This taped interview from “Your Good Health,” hosted by Dr. McDougall has been edited. Any contact information provided during the interviews should be confirmed first since it may have changed since the original taping.