Episode 21: Sugar Detox

The Paleo View show

Summary: Our twenty-first show! Ep. 21: Sugar Detox In this episode, Stacy and Sarah are both doing the 21 day sugar detox, so most of this episode centers around sugar and how it affects the body. They talk about their experiences giving up sugar this month and whether that has been difficult for them. Additionally, Stacy talks about her "No Spend" challenge and how that's going for her as well. Finally, we take your questions about living a paleo lifestyle! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 21: Sugar Detox 0:00 - Introduction 1:07 - News and Views Stacy has started crossfit! Sarah and Stacy are both on the 21-Day Sugar Detox Paleo Parents 21DSD-approved Ice Cream Sarah is also on the autoimmune protocol (Modifying Paleo for Autoimmune Conditions (i.e., The Autoimmune Protocol)) and has to be careful of starches due to SIBO (Modifying Paleo for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) and FODMAPS (Modifying Paleo for FODMAP-Intolerance (a.k.a. Fructose Malabsorption) Sarah is a firm believer in eating organ meat: Why Everyone Should Be Eating Organ Meat Check out Sarah's organ meat recipes: http://www.thepaleomom.com/organ-meat And don't forget to pre-order Beyond Bacon! 24:38 - Science with Sarah: Sugar Digestion Sarah explains the difference between sugar and complex carbohydrates in terms of digestion. Sarah accidentally said table sugar is glucose. It's not, it's sucrose (which is a disaccharide made up of one glucose and one fructose). Sugar The Bitter Truth http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnniua6-oM Fruit is okay. See http://chriskresser.com/ask-chris-is-fructose-really-that-bad The Paleo Answer by Prof. Loren Cordain Paleo Parent's Date Roll recipe 37:12 - Questions and Answers 37:12 - QA We start with an update from Laurie! 40:08 - Question 1 what to take for low blood sugar with Type 1 diabetes? Maple syrup is 95% sucrose (4% glucose and 1% fructose). Honey would be a better choice (50% fructose, 44% glucose) Robb Wolf's success treating type 1 diabetes The Perfect Health Diet by the Jaminets recommends lysine and coconut oil to achieve ketosis with higher carbohydrate intake 49:14 - Ingrid has burning pain in her legs going up stairs. We recommend finding a functional medicine specialist. A good place to start is Paleo Physician's Network or Primal Docs 59:42 - Maranda wants to know if coffee is bad for her Coffee is a gluten cross-reactor Gluten Cross-Reactivity: How your body can still think you’re eating gluten even after giving it up. Sarah on The Pros and Cons of Coffee Diane Sanfilippo on adrenal fatigue (and how coffee relates) on episodes 15 and episode 39 of Balanced Bites Podcast 1:09:21 - Quick update on no spend month 1:19:37 - Outro