Haste! Dice Shield, Gaming Resolutions for 2013 and D&D Tools.EU

Haste - The Official Obsidian Portal Podcast show

Summary: | Episode 66 | Announcements Congrats to GM RRouillard on his game Legacy of the Realms winning 2012's Campaign of the Year. Also congrats to Wolvensense on winning the December caption contest! Topics  Dice Shield We stumbled across a really cool tool for tabletop gamers who don't want their dice interfering with their game boards, pieces, and miniatures. The Dice Shield solves this problem, and a few others. After all no one likes those clattering cubes messing up their games right? The question for us though is, is it worth 50$? What do you think? D&D Tools.EU This website is a vast online compendium of books, spells, rules, feats, and a lot more - but is it even legal? How does it compare to other SRD's? Seems like a great resource regardless of any of the legal stipulations. Tune in as we discuss! Gaming Resolutions for 2013 We decided to broadcast our gaming resolutions for the coming year. Do any of ours sound like yours? Any advice for us? Let us know what you are going to do differently this year! Jerry Speak up when problems start to arise at the gaming table instead of being passive aggressive about it Venture far outside of my comfort zone of genre/game systems and run a Deep Space Sci Fi, or Modern Fantasy type game (dresden, warhammer 40k, savage worlds) Create something of my own, a kids game, a board game, something. Not counting my NaGaDeMon project. Micah Play Eclipse Phase at least once – the damn thing is free! Give DnDNext playtest a try It’s a secret…let’s just say “unleash” the PCs in my dark heresy campaign. Tip Corner Use the character quick selector when writing blog posts. Just click the little person-in-folder icon above the text area and you’ll get a list of all your characters. You can filter by name or tag, just start typing and it filters the list. Twitter Poll @Bartoneus asks: How do you like mixing Sci-Fi and Fantasy? Music Credits | Intro: "Prelude" | Outro: "Stande Alone" | by LukHash |