Animal Whisperer Madeleine Walker

Awakenings  with  Michele Meiche -Spirituality & Metaphysics for Empowerment  show

Summary: 12pm PST ---  Host MICHELE MEICHE shares her weekly Soul Insights, Meditations, Healing, Activation and Acceleration work for Soul Alignment. What is your Soul's Purpose & how can you actualize this? What is your role, your path, and what are the signs in your life and in the world telling you? Call in for channeled guidance readings, and Energetic Shifts happening. Michele is the author author of the DailyOM course to Learn how to align to your Soul's Purpose and create from your Soul Blueprint  2012:  Navigate Through Your Greatest Soul Shift Call in and share your path of awakening and Soul Alignment. You may also email your questions to be covered on air at The second portion of the show is Conversations with Awakened Guests. Michele dialogues with spiritual teachers, healers, conscious experts, visionaries, awakened leaders, authors, conscious beings and people of all walks of life that are focused on living consciously. This week’s conversation is with Madeleine Walker is an animal communicator and human empowerment coach. She is a pioneer in her work with healing past life trauma between animals and their human care takers. She travels extensively to connect with wild species in their natural habitat in order to learn and share their wisdom. Her previous publications are “An Exchange of Love”, “The Whale Whisperer” and “Your Pets’ Past Lives and how they can heal you”. Also CDs of channeled meditations from the animal kingdom “Whale Whispers, Lion Roars”, “Fearless Earth” and the beautiful Animal Whispers Empowerment cards.