Show #009: Like a 74-Year-Old Woman

Paul and Storm Talk About Some Stuff for Five to Ten Minutes (On Average) show

Summary: The ninth episode of our podcast, Paul and Storm Talk About Some Stuff for Five to Ten Minutes (On Average), is now online. In this episode: our imminent defeat, albeit one we can live with; the hometown gig post-mortem, and our appropriateness (or lack thereof) as a "date band;" Storm is not a very good Jew; the Great Pajama Debate remains contentious, but then détente; Paul knows only three English cities, although two of them are actually counties; and a discussion of toys, both received and unreceived. Audience participation alert! Please answer the poll at the bottom of this post; also, post your comments below regarding "the toy you never got" and/or "the toy you did get." Featured post-show song: "William Brown" - Randy Newman Show #009: Like a 74-Year-Old Woman (Some content NSFW) Enjoy the podcast? Maybe donate, why don'tcha? [poll id=8]