Show #085: Rufus P. Bottlesworth

Paul and Storm Talk About Some Stuff for Five to Ten Minutes (On Average) show

Summary: This week's episode: Special Guest Mike Phirman joins the fray to plug his new CD, "The Very Last Songs I Will Ever Record (Part 1)" and chat about all manner of comedy/music doings; our running personal soundtracks; salsa dancing lessons and gift-giving; child-frightening strategies; his duo's origins; the obligatory Worst Gig story; stacked entertainment; and the planned tricks on Paul never materialize. Also, a bizarre sound at the 36:21 mark that we're still not sure what the hell it is. Songs played (all from Mike Phirman's "The Very Last Songs I Will Ever Record (Part 1)"): "Chicken Monkey Duck", "Lollytown", "Thanksgiving Dinner", "Clear the Floor".