Show #116: Monkey Soup and the Perfect Photobomb

Paul and Storm Talk About Some Stuff for Five to Ten Minutes (On Average) show

Summary: This week's episode: we recap our Comic-Con/w00tstock 3.0 experience, including being (temporarily) killed, and being closer than ever to Joss Whedon; sleepaway camp, and the distasteful craft of macrame; we recommend several things—The Pixar Touch, The Star Wars Craft Book, They Might Be Giants' "Join Us", and webcomic Bearmageddon; a discussion of the elements that go into the Perfect Photobomb; and things we "missed out on," which leads to the revelation that neither of us have read any Salinger. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION ALERT: Please respond to the poll below as to whether or not we should read The Catcher in the Rye.