Should I Stay or Should I Go? - Jul 02,2012

Sex,Lies & Consciousness | Blog Talk Radio Feed show

Summary: Have you ever been in a good relationship with a nice guy, yet it still does not feel right? Have you ever moved in with him, despite your best judgement inside, only to find out that your intuition was right, and this living arrangement sucks egg on your spirit? Have you tried to have a peaceful and loving break-up yet, your friends and family advise you to dump him and just turn away? A mature relationship is always much more complex than the fairy tale ending of "...and they live happily ever after" Debra and Karen are going to share with us their breaking apart journey, the back and forth, the confusion, the pain, doubt, etc.... Join me, Mai Vu for another tender and delicious conversation about sex, busting up our lies and raising consciousness For our archive shows please go to