The Untitled Mike & Laura Project Episode 65

This Week In Geek show

Summary: It’s 2013 and Laura is back! Yes and what did we do while we weren’t podcasting? We watched a crap ton of movies. We take a closer look at The Hobbit, Django Unchained, Les Miserables, VHS and Iron Sky (the one about Space Nazis). What was good, what was crap and what was the biggest disappointment of them all? Tune in to find out! Click here to see Laura’s book so far! Follow Mike and Laura on Twitter:     TWIG would like to thank our Sponsors this season for their services Gamer Grub-Food for gamers! StarFleet-Star Trek Fan club Make sure you Interact with the show via: Email: Voicemail: 817 717 7202 Click here to follow Our Twitter @thisweekingeek And Make sure to check out Geeks: Mike “The Fist of Justice” Laidman Laura Thomas ;Subscribe to us using iTunes or Use any other podcatching client by using or Click here to download the Untitled Mike & Laura Project Episode 65