Jacob Morgan: On The Emerging Force of Collaboration

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Summary: A pleasure to welcome Jacob Morgan, principal and co-founder of Chess Media Group. On today's show, episode #61, Jacob and I discussed his latest book, The Collaborative Organization: A Strategic Guide To Solving Your Internal Business Challenges Using Emerging Social and Collaborative Tools. Today's Show Notes: 1. Jacob talks about why collaboration is so important to an organization. It has impacts on employees, customers, partners, etc. And how business is like playing a game of chess. 2. Too many organizations are missing the boat on collaboration, while they understand its importance, they are not sure of the initial first steps to integrate collaboration into their organization. 3. What comes first? Universal adoption of the idea and belief in collaboration? Or the implementation of collaborative tools? 4. Jacob talks about the availability of numerous collaborative tools that exist on the market, and how to determine what is the right set of tools to use for your organization. 5. More and more organizations are working virtually, so we discuss the impacts that work shift has on collaboration. 6. Jacob summarizes the key organizational benefits to improved and functional collaboration. 7. What are some initial steps an organization can take to build up adoption from the entire team, including the vital element of having and building the right corporate business culture. 8. While most conversation around collaboration involves that amongst your own team, collaboration is CRITICAL with your customers as well, and Jacob shares some thoughts on this as well. 9. You can learn more about the book, The Collaborative Organization, here. 10. Jacob is principal and co-founder of Chess Media Group. You can find them here. You can purchase Jacob's book here (affiliate link): ### If you enjoyed this episode of Intrepid Radio, click here to subscribe on iTunes [and leave a customer rating if you please!] and never miss another exciting guest!