Ryan Holiday: A Disturbing Look At Online Reality

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Summary: A sharp and disturbing look into the world of online reality. | Kirkus Reviews You are probably aware of, and been impacted by Ryan Holiday's work, and didn't even know it. Ryan is the author of Trust Me, I'm Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator. He is also the marketing and PR mastermind behind American Apparel and some the best-selling authors and multi-platinum musicians of the last several years. You've seen him on Tim Ferriss' blog, Copyblogger, and on Chase Jarvis Live. It was a pleasure to welcome him to Intrepid Radio for episode 62. Show Notes: 1. Ryan explains why he wrote the book, which in so doing, exposes his secrets to becoming a VERY successful media and PR strategist... 2. There has been a lot of visceral reaction to the book, angering many in the PR space. Ryan talks about the reaction, why they are having that reaction, and what that means to the message he is trying to convey with the book. 3. In the book, Ryan says he's paid to deceive. And some argue that that's all marketing and PR is: spinning, manipulating, and telling stories to evoke an emotion and thus cause an action. For years, I was a political strategist, and I was spinning all the time. Is there any honor in this trade? 4. I don't watch reality TV, because, it seems so fake. We always talk about whether some action taken by a celebrity was merely a set-up to get coverage and exposure. We discuss whether people can trust what they see in modern media. 5. We talk Tucker Max. If you know Tucker, you either love him, or DESPISE him intensely. Ryan did the media strategy for the book launches. And while I don't care for Tucker personally, the books were an interesting read, and enormously popular. We talk about whether a guy like Tucker Max can succeed and become a New York Times bestseller WITHOUT a guy like Ryan Holiday doing what he does? 6. We talk about how Ryan will react if his book leads to a surge of copycats trying to deploy similar strategies and tactics, and whether or not this is already happening. 7. Despite a focus of confessions of media manipulation in the book, there are some critical lessons for PR here. We discuss several of those. And, seriously, a key strategy is to start getting coverage at smaller, lower level blogs and trade rags, and go from there [watch the book trailer below]. 8. We discuss the strategies for an organization trying to get heard above all the noise, to make an impact in an age when getting the right kind of media is more and more difficult. 9. We discuss what's next for Ryan Holiday... Presumably, he can't get away with these types of tactics again? Or... can he? Will he? 10. View the book's trailer: 11. You can purchase Ryan's book here (affiliate link): 12. You can learn more about Ryan at RyanHoliday.net. 13. If you had fun with this episode of Intrepid Radio, click here to subscribe to the show on iTunes [leave a customer rating please] and never miss another game-changing guest.