DJ Waldow – A 15 Question Lightning Round To Answer All Your Email Marketing Questions!

be intrepid. show

Summary: A fun pleasure to welcome DJ Waldow to Intrepid Radio! DJ is an author and the Founder/CEO of Waldow Social. Along with Jason Falls, he is the co-author of a new book called The Rebel's Guide to Email Marketing - Grow Your List, Break The Rules, And Win! As I suspected he would be, DJ graciously accepted my offer to do a complete show in lightning round format! So, here follows the fifteen questions I asked him on the show: 1. How often should you send email to your audience? 2. Should you only email unique content? Or is it ok to repurpose blog content? 3. Email sign-up Pop-up windows....Good or bad? [By the way, the popup tool recommended by Chris Penn is Pippity...] 4. Email autoresponders....Good or bad? 5. As a sales rep, should you use the (possibly boring) corporate email marketing campaign? Or create YOUR OWN list? 6. Does the size of your list really matter? 7. When you send an email, should you send the complete text of the content? Or include some teaser content with a link to the full article on your blog? And does that impact open rates? 8. How important is mobile to your email marketing? 9. HTML verses plain-text emails? 10. What email provider should you use? 11. What email format/template should you use? 12. When sending an email, does the time of day matter? 13. When sending an email, does the day of the week matter? 14. How important is it to be human in your email marketing? 15. Does humor and "imperfections" make a difference? You can buy the book here: ### To hear from other cool people like today's guest, subscribe to my podcast on iTunes by clicking here. And, a review and customer rating would be much appreciated as well! To get some other marketing hacks and ideas sent direct to your inbox, join our list here!