Sarah Robinson: This Isn’t Your Daddy’s Conversation About Building A Community

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Summary: Lots of dialog out there about why you should build a community. But today's guest on Intrepid Radio should help you clear through the clutter as to WHY you NEED to do this... A joy to welcome author and business strategist Sarah Robinson to today's show. Sarah joined me to talk about her new book, Fierce Loyalty: Unlocking The DNA Of Wildly Successful Communities. You can learn more about Sarah and Fierce Loyalty here. SHOW NOTES + HIGHLIGHTS: 1. "Too much "community building" advice is theoretical. We needed a simple model, easy to implement..." 2. But can an organization simply buy into a process, and watch the community build itself? Doesn't building a community require blood, sweat, and tears? 3. Building your community never ends. It is a garden you have to tend to regularly. But the yield to your business and brand is almost immeasurable... 4. "If you are honest with yourself, you know you don't pay attention to a brand's advertising. You do pay attention to what your friends say..." 5. Can you outsource community building? Or entrust it to an intern? 6. Building community is a team effort, with buy-in needed from ALL departments... 7. Haven't we always built communities around our brands? Social and digital just makes it different... 8. With a fiercely loyal community, you have higher client retention, and less order fall off... 9. How does a traditional sales force tap into a community, and why should they care about their organization building a fiercely loyal community? 10. "But doesn't this idea only apply to B2C?" 11. Building community doesn't always apply to the end user...If you sell through distributors or need to build loyal communities out of those ranks... 12. To get started building a community, what is the most important first step? 13. Visit the book site at You can get a copy of the book here: ### To hear from other cool people like today's guest, subscribe to my podcast on iTunes by clicking here. And, a review and customer rating would be much appreciated as well! A shout out to Jenny Schmitt for getting me connected to Sarah!