How To Be Legendary with Johnny B. Truant

be intrepid. show

Summary: Joined this week by Johnny B. Truant, author and blogger. On the show, we talked about his latest book, How To Be Legendary. If you are familiar with Johnny, you know this will be a no holds barred conversation...raw and unedited. You probably need your ass kicked. You aren't living the life you want. You aren't starting the business you want. You aren't writing the book you want. You aren't going after the sale you want. And on and on and on... [Click the book cover above to get the FREE download.] Johnny and I talk about why people get stuck in a life they hate. He confirms that you will most certainly die, and that you have no time to waste NOT doing things that matter. And we talk about the fact that "successful" people are just ordinary folks like you and me...they've just chosen to DO something big... Most importantly, Johnny shares the How To Be Legendary formula: Start, Do The Work, Ship, Repeat. As he says, simple, but not easy. Sadly, if you are like most people, you don't have the courage to start... So, if you needed a kick in the pants, and a slap in the face to start focusing on doing the work you are supposed to do, I hope this episode will provide some inspiration... Enjoy episode 67! ### To hear from other cool and hip folks like Johnny B. Truant, subscribe to my podcast on iTunes by clicking here. And, a review and customer rating would be much appreciated as well!