Chris Guillebeau: Good Enough Is A Path To Mediocrity, Boredom, And Misery

be intrepid. show

Summary: A real pleasure to welcome entrepreneur, writer, and world traveler Chris Guillebeau to the show! So, Chris is a world renowned blogger, best-selling author of two books, organizer of the World Domination Summit, highly successful self-employed entrepreneur, marathoner, and best-known for traveling to every country on the planet by his 35th birthday (he has less than ten countries left). There are countless interviews with Chris on these subjects. So, the last thing I wanted to do was talk to Chris about being non-conformist. Or his two books. Or his quest to visit every country. We all know people, yourself included perhaps, that are living boring lives, that hate their work, have no meaning, or are NOT doing anything about achieving their goals and dreams. Instead, he and I have a very frank discussion on how an ordinary guy like himself can achieve all these amazing things. What's the secret? What does Chris Guillebeau know that we don't? Tune in and find out! You can purchase Chris' latest book here (affiliate link): To hear from other cool and hip folks like Chris Guillebeau, subscribe to my podcast on iTunes by clicking here. And, a review and customer rating would be much appreciated as well!