Chris Brogan: Achieving Clarity, Emotional Impact, Contrast, And Platform

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Summary: Chris Brogan joins us on the show to discuss his latest book, The Impact Equation, co-authored with Julien Smith. Chris is a New York Times best-selling author of Trust Agents, and President/CEO of Human Business Works. SHOW NOTES + HIGHLIGHTS: 1. To start us off, Chris explains exactly what the impact equation is: {Impact = C X (R+E+A+T+E)} 2. The concepts of the book are clear: to make an impact, you need clarity, you need to make an emotional connection, you need to make a contrast, and you need to build a great platform. We all get this, but Chris and I discuss why people STILL are not making an impact. 3. The problems with the consumption nation: we consume a lot of content, but we don't ever execute on anything. 4. Chris responds as I mention that I am worried about people NOT taking action, because they believe they have to have a platform that reaches tens or hundreds of thousands of people on social media. As Chris says, you just need to have an impact with the people you need. 5. Does the impact equation only work for those building online businesses? 6. How can a traditional, bricks-and-mortar business, with a sales force of guys not even on LinkedIn, benefit from the impact equation? 7. Is it fair to boil down the entire book into the notion that we just need to become better communicators? Chris suggests that's a big piece of it, but there's more. 8. Chris talks about the importance of improving self as a critical element of making an impact: sleeping better, eating better, etc. Chris begins to debunk some long-held myths. 9. How is it, in this day and age, that fear of failure still stops too many people dead in their tracks? And what to do about it? It largely stems from dwelling on the past for far too long... 10. Visit and to learn more! And you can purchase the book here (affiliate link): THIS WEEK'S SHOW BROUGHT TO YOU BY Marketing RELEVANCE is a full-service marketing, communication and interactive company that understands that communication is different today. We know that the needs of companies vary drastically, which is why we cater to those that want a full-service marketing agency, but we also offer services a la carte. Whatever your marketing or communication need, we do it. And, the great thing is that we can show our results using your analytic tracking software and sales reports. After all, good marketing must produce qualified leads that can be converted into sales. For more information, please visit To hear from other cool and hip folks like Chris Brogan, subscribe to my podcast on iTunes by clicking here. And, a review and customer rating would be much appreciated as well!