Julien Smith: Be The Person You Want To Become, Not The Person It Is Easy To Become

be intrepid. show

Summary: Twas cool to welcome Julien Smith back to the show. Julien is the New York Times best-selling author of Trust Agents and The Flinch. He joins me today to discuss his latest book, The Impact Equation, co-authored with Chris Brogan. SHOW NOTES + HIGHLIGHTS: 1. What is the impact equation (but first, Julien reminds us about the trust equation)? 2. "How strong is your idea? How powerful is your platform? And how important and good are your relationships?" 3. There is so much information out there, most people struggle to achieve clarity on the critical issues that can lead to having success/making an impact. Books like this still have to be written to help people gain the needed focus to learn what is essential to succeed. 4. But what does Julien say to the person who claims, "But I am on Twitter. And I am not having an impact. So clearly, this doesn't work..." 5. You don't need a large platform and tons of followers to have an impact. In fact, Julien argues the opposite is true. 6. One of the tenets of the impact equation is to have an idea that matters to an audience. Problem is, most content is boring drivel and garbage. How do people overcome this significant problem? 7. "We are talking about a positioned statement, specifically targeted, to create an emotional reaction, in people, so that they will spread it." 8. What lessons from Julien's The Flinch can be applied to help master the impact equation? As in, if you quit because it is too hard? Then good, you won't be my competitor! 9. Another way this manifests itself is that people aren't comfortable to really offer a stark contrast...and they settle for a meager differentiation that has little, if any, impact. 10. "Become the person you want to become, verses the person it is easy to become." 11. People cannot master the impact equation if they don't adapt and learn to accept and relish change. 12. Does this book only apply to building an online platform? No. "Marketing is fundamentally a study of understanding people..." 13. "It's about having an influence and reaching the humans that matter to you." 14. Learn more about Julien Smith by clicking here, and you can purchase the book here (affiliate link): THIS WEEK'S SHOW BROUGHT TO YOU BY Marketing RELEVANCE is a full-service marketing, communication and interactive company that understands that communication is different today. We know that the needs of companies vary drastically, which is why we cater to those that want a full-service marketing agency, but we also offer services a la carte. Whatever your marketing or communication need, we do it. And, the great thing is that we can show our results using your analytic tracking software and sales reports. After all, good marketing must produce qualified leads that can be converted into sales. For more information, please visit www.MarketingRELEVANCE.com. To hear from other cool and hip folks like Julien Smith, subscribe to my podcast on iTunes by clicking here. And, a review and customer rating would be much appreciated as well! Click here to listen to co-author Chris Brogan's interview with me on The Impact Equation. And, click here to watch to Julien's past interview with me on The Flinch.