C.C. Chapman: You Have to Earn Success and Happiness

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Summary: [if viewing this by email, CLICK HERE to listen to C.C. Chapman] Great to welcome back my friend C.C. Chapman to the show! C.C. is an author, speaker, podcaster, and business strategist. Today, we discussed his latest book, Amazing Things Will Happen: A Real World Guide On Achieving Success + Happiness. Why you should listen to this show: You may have a good life, but are you capable of (and want) so much more? This isn't about money, it is about living a life you choose. Amazing things only happen to those who are willing to position themselves to allow for something to happen. Keys to success: work hard, be kind. Serving others is key to happiness. What's the bigger problem: not knowing what you want, or not believing it is possible? When you see a new path, start down it fast, but start. Having an idea is fine, but having it doesn't bring happiness. "The hard workers are the ones finding success." Learn more about the book here, and you can purchase C.C.'s book here (affiliate link): ### If you enjoyed this conversation, and want to hear from other cool and hip folks like C.C. Chapman, subscribe to my podcast on iTunes by clicking here. And, a review and customer rating would be much appreciated as well! Or get Intrepid Radio sent DIRECT to your INBOX!