Arnold Olender of Burns and McDonnell – A Case Study On Company Culture

be intrepid. show

Summary: Arnold Olender, the head of Burns & McDonnell Atlanta regional office of the nationally known engineering firm, joins me on today's show! BMCD is a B2B company that works in different engineering areas. The Atlanta office specifically works in water, electrical transmission and distribution, and aviation and facilities. But it’s not their work that we think you'll want to hear about, it’s how they work – as a team, an office, and a company. Discussion topics on today's show: 1. BMCD has been on the Top Places to work for several years – including on FORTUNE’s annual list, and the Atlanta office has been on The Atlanta Journal Constitution, The Atlanta Business Chronicle and other top places to work (including a top innovative company by InfoWeek). 2. BMCD is an entirely employee-owned company. Every employee from the day they start – this is highly unusual, most ESOP companies require years vested or ownership only open to certain levels of employees. BMCD has an enviable retention rate with their employees and keeping talent is a key to growth and success. 3. Arnold has been the head of the Atlanta office for 10 years and has experienced positive growth for every one of those years, even in this down economy (don't you want to know how that’s done?). 4. Even through BMCD is 100+ years old, the Atlanta office is deemed an “entrepreneurial” office. You see this trend of large companies trying to build “innovation” centers or “entrepreneurial” divisions, but few get it right. Arnold shares how this is accomplished to a successful end. You'll find this conversation with Arnold truly inspiring. And you'll discover how business, even in large organizations, can still be done in a way that fosters profits, innovation, creativity...and satisfied and empowered employees. Enjoy! ### If you enjoyed this conversation, and want to hear from other cool and hip folks like Arnold Olender, subscribe to my podcast on iTunes by clicking here. And, a review and customer rating would be much appreciated as well! Or get Intrepid Radio sent DIRECT to your INBOX! This is episode 76.