Guy Kawasaki: How Even YOU Can Be A Writer – And Why!

be intrepid. show

Summary: A pleasure to welcome back Guy Kawasaki to the show! Guy is the best-selling author of 12 books, including his latest, APE: How To Publish A Book. And that was the purpose of our conversation today... On the show, topics discussed included: 1. Publishing is simple, but it isn't easy. Guy wanted to write a book that walks you through step-by-step how to self-publish. 2. Is there still a stigma attached to self-publishing? Guy says no, and that in fact we are artisanal publishers (aka artists)! 3. To self-publish, you have to be three things: author, publisher, and entrepreneur. And Guy shares which is actually the hardest of the three... 4. We spend considerable time on why you should write a book: enriching lives, intellectual challenge, furthers an idea or cause, and powers your brand in ways you cannot imagine. 5. What holds people back from writing a book? Guy breaks down the common roadblocks, and how to overcome them. 6. The common mistakes people make when self-publishing. If you have ever wanted to write your own book, fiction or non-fiction, you will value this conversation and benefit from Guy's book! You can learn more about APE here, and you can purchase the book below (affiliate link): ### If you enjoyed this conversation, and want to hear from other cool and hip folks like Guy Kawasaki, subscribe to my podcast on iTunes by clicking here. And, a review and customer rating would be much appreciated as well! Or get Intrepid Radio sent DIRECT to your INBOX! This is episode 77.