Línea Abierta : MEXICO EDITION.

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Summary: MEXICO EDITION. After Mexico's Congress reformed the labor law in 2012, many remember with longing the days of the labor movement in 1931, when workers, employers, and the Mexican government came to consensus about Constitutional Article 123. Those were post-revolutionary times, and a young dock worker named Valentín Campa Salazar was beginning to organize railroad workers in Ciudad Madero, Tamaulipas and take them to the first general strike in 1927, which would be repressed by the Mexican Army. The work of organizing railroad, cement, textile and steel workers cost Campa 15 years in jail. A character of his time, promoter of Mexico's Worker Central (CTM) and the Block of Proletarian Defense, who would support President Lázaro Cárdenas to nationalize oil industry, Valentín Campa is narrated by his biographer and remembered by his daughter, in the context of a campaign in Mexico City to put his name on the Buenavista metrobus station, where trains used to arrive in the capital city. Martha Elena Ramirez hosts Voz Publica from Mexico City. Guests: Rosalío Hernández Beltrán, President of the Center for Law and Union Advice, VValentín Campa Salazar, Mexico City, Mexico; Geologist, María Fernanda Campa Uranga, daughter of Valentín Campa, Mexico City, Mexico, geoatea@hotmail.com Campaign to collect signatures to add the name of Valentín Campa to the Buenavista Station.