Episode 031: Rabbit Gulags

The Quad show

Summary: WHUT? It hasn’t been two weeks, but Ben and Zack have a brand new episode of the show ready for you because they love you so very, very much. As the boys get ready for the 2012 C2E2 adventure, they take some time out to talk to you about the most horrifying holiday monster of all time and the coming rabbit apocalypse, well colored worms, GLORY!, the pros and cons of how characters are presented (maybe some are too sexy?), the best barbarian book in a while, Becky Cloonan is sooooooooo good, escaping from magic burlap sacks, ram horned men marryin’ dragon winged ladies, C2E2 plans, how you can get free passes for the Summit City Comic Con, and so much more!  Chip chip! Hellboy & BPRD (Dark Horse)Glory #24 (Image)Conan the Barbarian #2 (Dark Horse)Adventure Time (kaboom)Saga (Image) Music: Fishbone – Shakey Ground            Twitter: @BenTiede, @ZackKruse E-mail: DCBPodcast@gmail.com SummitCityComicCon.comDCBPodcast.blogspot.com ComixNonsense.blogspot.comMysterySolvedComic.comBenjaminTiede.blogspot.comSummitCityInk.blogspot.comNedWeinerman.com