Episode 035: Above Top Secret Gotham

The Quad show

Summary: Plop! Here’s another episode of the Distinguished Comic Book Podcast dropped in your ear hole! The lads blather about bat conspiracies, waitin’ a while for title characters to appear in their own book, being your own book,  Ben touches base with Frank Miller’s Daredevil run,  Buddy Baker’s family life, goat men that will escort you through the underworld, and that’s it! Chip chip! 1. Batman (DC) 2. Swamp Thing (DC) 3. Frank Miller’s Daredevil (Marvel) 4. Animal Man (DC) 5. A little bit about Buddy Bradley, Double Barrel, Heck, ComiXology and more Music: Chuck Ragan – California Burritos Twitter: @BenTiede, @ZackKruse E-mail: DCBPodcast@gmail.com DCBPodcast.blogspot.com MysterySolvedComic.com BenjaminTiede.blogspot.com ComixNonsense.blogspot.com SummitCityInk.blogspot.com NedWeinerman.com