explore: Special Episode 16 - Rehab for the Soul

explore: Specials show

Summary: <p>In this episode of explore Charlie and his team are on a fact-finding mission to learn about the obstacles and opportunities faced by those with disabilities. Meet the former mayor of Vancouver, Sam Sullivan, who survived a near fatal ski accident at the age of 19 leaving him almost completely paralyzed from the shoulders down. Overcoming his physical impairments, Sullivan has dedicated his life to working with the disabled and people struggling with addiction. Then, in Jordan, deaf children have a place of their own to learn and grow at the Holy Land Institute for the Deaf thanks to Brother Andrew de Carpentier and his mentoring program.</p><p>Learn more at <a href="http://www.explore.org" target="_blank">explore.org</a></p><p>Watch more <a href="http://www.linktv.org/explorespecials" target="_self">explore specials</a> on Link.</p>