What Good Is A Vision Board Anyway?

Clutter Rescue show

Summary: Justin Brown via Compfight Do you create a vision board at the start of the year?   A friend of mine has done one each year, on or around January 1st (probably depending on how she feels after New Year’s celebrations!), with her goals and vision – both personally and professionally – for the year ahead.   The great thing is that she also meets up with a group of business women, again early in January, where they all bring their new vision boards as well as the one from last year, and discuss their goals. I love this!  What a great way to start the year – focussing on what you want to achieve and sharing it with friends who will support you throughout the year. So what are the benefits of creating a vision board and should you do one? With a quick search of Google I found 104 million hits on the benefits of vision boarding.  That’s a lot of benefits! After much reading and clicking between articles here are the main benefits I found: Clarify your goals Focus energy on achieving your goals Help you establish new habits Encourage you to take action Attract opportunities to you (from Self Esteem Health) A positive reference point for your future Helps renew our enthusiasm Reprograms our mind for achievement Helps you as you attempt to overcome challenges (from Top Life Results) It seems to me that there is a lot of good in creating a vision board! The great thing from this list is that each comment is positive – a mindset we try really hard to develop and promote in our Clutter Rescue team, our clients and readers. So how do you go about creating a vision board? I like the old fashioned way with a piece of cardboard, lots of magazines, scissors and glue.  I know people who have created a digital version of their vision board and saved it as their screen saver or background on their computer.  Either way your vision board needs to be close by so you can look at it every day, keep focussed on your goals and gain inspiration when things are going pear shaped. Because things will inevitably go pear shaped.  But if you have your vision – and the motivation to achieve your goals – you can achieve anything you want! We’d love to see your vision board or hear about your goals for 2013 – so please post in the comments section below! Until next time, happy organising!