Línea Abierta : MEXICO EDITION.

Linea Abierta - English Description - Show in Spanish show

Summary: MEXICO EDITION. Journalist Gustavo Castillo Garcia talks about the costs of Mexico's drug war. Among his comments: it's been six years since the government declared the war against the drug cartels, with an unofficial cost of more than 60 thousand deaths, including civilians, cops, troops, gunmen and suspected criminals. Partnership of the US and Mexican administrations in a war that has left untouched the networks of money laundering, weapons traffic and drug traffic. A drug war with local cops who work without guns and training, and with low wages, and police chiefs who are infiltrated and bribed. Countless executions, without a judicial system that allows investigation and punishment. Martha Elena Ramirez hosts this Voz Publica edition from Mexico City. Guest: Gustavo Castillo García, journalist of the daily newspaper La Jornada. México, DF; María Rivera, poem *Los Muertos*, read at Mexico City's Zocalo plaza on April 6, 2011 (audio recording).