The Untitled Mike & Laura Project Episode 64

This Week In Geek show

Summary: With Laura being busy as all get out, Mike rcruits his est friend Trevor “That Other Guy” Dupp from Last Exit to Ponyville for co hosting duties. Trevor made the decision to drink huge amounts of bourbon for the recording. Not only that, but we lost track of time and ran for an extra half hour or so. In this episode we talk about Christmases past and present, and Mike lays out his twisty turny path to getting Laura what she really wanted for Christmas this year. Things start out pretty disgusting, and also get a little heavy near the end, but all through out we have a good time, and hope you do too. So tune in for Mike & Trevor’s Boxing Day Spectacular! Click here to see Laura’s book so far! Follow Mike and Laura on Twitter:     TWIG would like to thank our Sponsors this season for their services Gamer Grub-Food for gamers! StarFleet-Star Trek Fan club Make sure you Interact with the show via: Email: Voicemail: 817 717 7202 Click here to follow Our Twitter @thisweekingeek And Make sure to check out Geeks: Mike “the Fist of Justice” Laidman Trevor “That Other Guy” Dupp ;Subscribe to us using iTunes or Use any other podcatching client by using or Click here to download the Untitled Mike & Laura Project Episode 64