Línea Abierta : NO PAPERS, NO AID.

Linea Abierta - English Description - Show in Spanish show

Summary: NO PAPERS, NO AID. Immigrant workers living in New York City lost homes, property, and jobs to Hurricane Sandy, but they report obstacles to receiving federal and state aid. Many disaster survivors are returning to flood-damaged homes contaminated by mold and other hazards. This edition includes interviews with residents of Rockaway Beach and emergency agency authorities, collected by reporter Marco Vinicio González. Guests: Marco Vinicio González, Correspondent, Noticiero Latino, New York, NY; Carmen Rodríguez, Spokesperson, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), New York, NY, www.fema.gov ; Sofía Gallisá, Organizer, Occupy Sandy, Rockaway Beach, Queens, NY (pretaped interview); Pretaped interviews with victims of Hurricane Sandy, Rockaway Beach, Queens, NY.