Línea Abierta : MEXICO EDITION.

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Summary: MEXICO EDITION. The demonstrators charged in connection with the violent incidents during the inauguration of president Peña Nieto could be exonerated of the "attacks against public peace" after relatives and activists got the local congress to agree to discuss the annulment of a critical provision in the local Criminal Code. According to the defense, there is no evidence to incriminate the 14 individuals who continue in detention. Additionally, environmentalists urge action to stop industrial waste that continues contaminating their areas. In Alpuyeca, Morelos, six years after the local dumpsite was shutdown, local officials have not completed a bioremediation program to clean up lands and water. In Tula, Hidalgo, after 40 years, a dam that was supposed to supply drinking water to Nahuatl and Otomi indigenous communities is now a repository of industrial waste. Martha Elena Ramirez hosts this edition of the Voz Publica series from Mexico City. Guests: Attorney Juan de Dios Hernandez Monge, spokesperson, Liga de Abogados Primero de Diciembre, member of La Otra Campana - EZLN; (Pre-taped) Guadalupe Sáyago, member, comisión representativa de la comunidad de Alpuyeca, Morelos; (Pre-taped) Yuri Zaret Uribe Montero, member, Federación Independiente de Obreros Agrícolas y Campesinos (FIOAC), member of Coordinadora Plan de Ayala Movimiento Nacional. Tula, Hidalgo.