Falling in Love...with humanity

Beacon for Lightworkers show

Summary: www.beaconforlightworkers.com Loving the planet?  check.  Loving the animals? check. Loving the plants?  check.  Loving humanity?  ummmm... welll...  Creating the New Human blueprint, like any other form creation, must be rooted in love, passion and inspiration.  Many of us have allowed unconditional love to flow to Gaia, animals, plants, our Sun, our loved ones and yet falling in love with humanity is not yet part of most of our experiences.  And yet, it can be and it will dramatically affect the level of evolution of Self, and humanity.  Looking forward to this important topic. Happy Valentine's Day to each of you!  Let's make that heart even bigger with this message :-) Jill's "activation" which some would call awakening began as recently as 2008, allowing her to quickly access her higher dimensional abilities and personally interact with the higher realms. She offers a webinar series on Embracing the New Energies (22USD/recorded session), intuitive sessions via Skype or phone (starting at 50USD), speaking engagements and many, many no-cost offerings including written messages, a weekly radio broadcast and its archives, many videos, and facebook posts all intended to inspire and empower you to re-member God within and the powerful connections to God we naturally have with-In. As recently as three years ago, Jill was living a very mainstream life, using her MBA in corporate America and enjoying her family and friends from her very 3D perspective. Through a series of positive trigger events her activation began in Summer 2008, leading to her rapidly re-membering her psychic abilities, healing talents and abilities to channel messages from the highest realms. While helping others re-member their own multidimensionality, Jill is continuously nurturing her own continuous evolution, knowing we are never done growing as an infinite aspect of Source/God.