Free Plug-ins for Final Cut Pro, Motion and AE by idustrial revolution

FxFactory - Final Cut Pro, Motion and AE plugins show

Summary: World: A sun lit Earth generator in 3D space with clouds and city lights. MultiSpace: Puts two inputs into true 3d space with global & independent XYZ & rotation. Planes can intersect too and now with the option of rounded corners and soft edges. iSightLive!: Yes, get a live input on your timeline. Very handy for picking a color off a client's brochure. Rack focus: Racks the blur from one input to the other with one parameter. Both blur values for each input can be independently set. Opposites: Two input basic parameter linking - move one left, the other goes right. Rotate one clockwise, the other one goes antilock. FxFactory is a revolutionary visual effects architecture powering hundreds of plug-ins for Final Cut Pro, Motion, Final Cut Express and Adobe After Effects: