Jimmy Moore: Nutritional Ketosis, Trashing Your Scale, and the Dark Side of Protein

The Fat-Burning Man Show by Abel James. Paleo Nutrition, Ancestral Health, and Primal Fitness show

Summary: Joining us today is an author and the host of Livin' La Vida Low Carb, the one and only Jimmy Moore. We all have something to learn from Jimmy Moore. Starting off at more than 400 pounds, he lost over 100 pounds with a low-fat, high carb, calorie-restricted diet. But it didn't stick - the weight came back with shocking efficiency. Then he went low-carb and had great success, dropping 180+ pounds with minimal effort and misery (compared to low-fat dieting, at least). Although the weight stayed off for years, the scale continued to creep up. Low-carb stopped working, and despite countless consultations with experts in diet and fitness, very few had solutions. So what did Jimmy do? He kept trying. And, as he'll remind you, he's tried just about everything to maintain a lean, healthy lifestyle. Dabbling in the fringe? Eating butter by the stick? Egg yolks covered in cream cheese and guacamole??? Sounds like my kind of diet. Since his first appearance on the show, Jimmy has burned off another 60+ pounds in 7 months pioneering this extremely high-fat weight loss strategy known as nutritional ketosis. It's working! The Moral of the Story We never have it all figured out. Even if a nutritional or exercise strategy seems to work for a time, optimizing your body is a lifelong journey. And everyone's body - and journey - is unique. Jimmy succeeds because he is extremely persistent, strong, and open to innovative solutions. Congrats, Jimmy! We wish you all the success in the world. Here's the Show In today's show we chat about: How Jimmy used nutritional ketosis to lose 60.4 pounds in 7 months How eating avocados, cream cheese, and heavy cream can help you lose fat How to lose weight while traveling the world Why protein might actually be preventing you from burning fat Enjoy! (download link) Subscribe to my PODCAST on iTunes (and please leave a review)! (Click the "View in iTunes" link and then hit the "Subscribe" button.") Click "Like" if You Do!   As a special thanks to podcast listeners, you get the eBook for HALF OFF ($9.95) and a video bonus when you order this week! Happy cooking! Get 50 Wholesome Gluten-Free Desserts for 50% OFF!