Testimony of Terry 'Falcon'

Curs-ed Net Breakthrough Radio show

Summary: Please welcome Terry as he shares his testimony with us. When the warfare turns Supernatural, I am a person that is no longer a pushover for the Kingdom of darkness(aliens /demons), Instead of being threatened by the enemy (aliens/demons),In JESUS I become a threat to the enemy. One of the things things I have learned along the way is, if you have the attention of the enemy (aliens/demons), you also have the attention of God. And if GOD is with you who can be aginst you? (Romans 8:31) A Battle always precedes a breakthrough! Whats in a name that the aliens/demons flee? Whats in a name that the captives GO Free!? Whats in a name that every knee shall bow? In the Name of JESUS, the name above all names, there is power and glory forever and ever! The victory belongs to us (all who accept JESUS) and even though the battle still goes on for now, one day, this war will soon come to an end. GOD Bless! -Terry