Línea Abierta : MEXICO EDITION.

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Summary: MEXICO EDITION. An official photograph and a press release are the only proof of the first meeting between Mexico's new security cabinet and the members of the United States' homeland security team. News media were not allowed at the event, announced as a "courtesy visit," was led by Secretaries Miguel Angel Osorio Chong and Janet Napolitano. The press release does not mention the so-called Merida Initiative, the agreement of the past administration that increased the operation of U.S. security agents in Mexican territory. This edition also includes reports that 14 people continue in jail for protest during the presidential inauguration in Mexico on December 1st, and that the so-called educational reform, proposed by President Enrique Peña Nieto, does not take into account teachers' points of view. Guest: David Cruz Angón, Director, Tele-Secondary School, San Miguel del Progreso, Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca, Mexico (pretaped interview); Artists' campaign to free prisoners: http://youtu.be/173oLuU-_H0.