Welcome to Camp FEMA

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary:   In The United States summer months are often spent on family trips, visiting those loved ones & many other outdoor activities. Amusement Parks and fun Recreational Areas are often popular destinations for Americans to enjoy A little time to themselves for family re-unions and road trips.   During times of A economic slow down Uncle Sam knows that $ MONEY $ is tight they would like you to know ( OR NOT ) about their Luxury High Rise recreational parks ALL over the United States recently renovated for your enjoyment. Yes indeed F.E.M.A concern for you & your safety have purchased, renovated or upgraded local & state jails, including former W.W.II POW Facilities just so you can get away to A place operated by The Federal Emergency Management Agency.   Want to be A guest of the Government in one of these DEATH CAMPS well just STAND UP for your RIGHTS against city, county, state & federal governments intrusion on constitutional rights and you just may WIN your dream at Camp Fema. TONIGHT know and learn the TRUTH & FACTS on what is taking place behind your back in preperation for ?????    Your calls are welcome and as always chat room is open for tonights Camp FEMA special.