Police State of The Union

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: Segment # 1 : Weiner to Resign from Congress!!!! Your comments and calls on the entitre A - Z issues reguarding the Brooklyn Congressman. Segment # 2 : Is the former United States of American NOW an official Police state? Do we have any rights as taxpayers or have we simply surrendered them to ALL & EVERY branch of government?  No need for A warrent, no reason to be pulled over, traffic cameras NOW can issue you A ticket sent via US Mail, take your computers, tap your phones, place you under arrest ( w/ out cause ) and hold you for as long as they feel like it period. Who of the AWESOME REPUBLICANS running for President is against this type of action? Are they all behind President Obama in wanting MORE POWER for the local, state & federal governments? Anybody against The TSA feel ups? When is the last time A President or candidate for stood up and said that VIOLATES your rights?   TONIGHT we take A look at just who stands with the people and who w/ the political parties. Who wants their country back & who is in search of POWER for the political system.   Who is NOT for sale, who already has been purchased and who owns who that along with A review of CLEAR VIOLATIONS against we the people tonight on Prime Time. Join us in the chat room or call in and let your voice be heard before we are told but Government your voice no longer counts for anything TONIGHT.