Walk Breaks~Norms Usual Diarrhea Of The Voice Box...

Walk Breaks show

Summary: That's weird I don't know what's gonna happen with this you might hear this in two parts but when I looked at it there were no numbers. As I looked down on there you know which would indicate time so I paused it and then it showed eighteen minutes and so then I re started it now it's zero again. So this might be this might be a big wash here along with my garmin connect to my Bailey(?) Myo(?) and all that stuff. So the garmin connect is be fairly straight forward if I was using like a garmin four O five now that I have this for runner ten you have to go to a specialized website and Buckeye outdoors doesn't I don't know if it's quite recognizing the data and computers ___ anyway let me shut this thing down see that uploads and see if I got a walk.