Horticulture Expert, John Peter Thompson On Winter Plant Care

The Organic View show

Summary: One of the best things about winter is being able to sit back, relax and sift through magazines, brochures and pamphlets for the upcoming garden season. Every time I see a new catalog with cool gadgets and varieties of seeds that I have not grown, I get a warm, fuzzy feeling in anticipation of the day when I can til my soil again. During the winter, most gardeners take time out at some point to review and assess everything that worked and did not work in last year’s garden. As exciting as it may be to review new plants, there is a great amount of care that still needs to be given to your current houseplants as well as other plants that are being overwintered. This can wind up being an arduous task that may or may not be worth all the effort by the time Spring rolls around. The psychological, physical and environmental benefits of gardening are year round, and the challenges of growing with your plants are part of the fun. Gardening is like music and dance, never stationary always moving always changing. Gardening indoors or out is not about creating a static tableau but about embracing change, loving life. It could even be equated to cooking. To have a great garden, you need a recipe or plan, proper tools, great organic ingredients that are properly mixed together and are all seasoned with experience. In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer will speak to Horticultural expert, John Peter Thompson, who is President of the National Agricultural Research Alliance (http://www.NARA-B.org ) to discuss the care of winter plants and other plants that you may be overwintering. If you want to learn how the experts organize for the next growing season. Stay tuned!