Redmond Real Salt: The Little White Lies About Salt

The Organic View show

Summary: Is salt actually good for you or bad for you? It is a fact that the human body is made up of 72% Salt Water and 28% Minerals. It is also very interesting that when you are hospitalized and given an “I.V.” which consists of saline solution (sodium chloride NaCl) So, why do so many people suffer from high blood pressure? To the average consumer, deciphering the label is not easy. What exactly is the difference between unrefined salt and refined salt? Does Kosher salt have any benefits? Can salt be organic? What about the size of each granule? Does it make a difference? Did you know that manufacturers can produce the same exact product into different packages with different labels?  All salts can actually be called “Sea Salt”. How very clever indeed! Then there are the preservatives in salt such as dextrose (which is a sugar), other  chemicals such as sodium ferro cyanide (yes, cyanide!) and aluminum ( silicoaluminate) which are used also as anti-caking agents.  How is all of this possible and legal? Can consumers taste the difference? What are the impacts on our health? In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer will speak to Darryl Bosshardt from Redmond Real Salt. Stay tuned!