The Gulf of Mexico has been changed will we change?

Spiritual Awakening Empowered Living show

Summary: The oil all over the Gulf of Mexico has changed that area for many years, maybe even forever. What will we learn from this? Will we stop the left right blame game, wise up and do something different? This is our law of attraction in action whomp upside the head wake up call...!! Are we listening or will we simply argue, get mad at each other and go right back to how we've always thought and done things? Join me this afternoon as we discuss more FACTS about what BP and the government are not telling us.. what does it mean? Are we being shown Tony Hayward get raked over the coals to move our attention away from what's really going on in the Gulf? Join me live in the chat or call in and join me on the air. A Journey Back To Self Answer the Call to ChangeThe Road of Healing and Self Awareness.