What is GOING ON America? Were will this fear & anger take us?

Spiritual Awakening Empowered Living show

Summary: I've just got to speak out about this. It needs to be talked about and hopefully talked down. Americans talking about guns, bullets, calling out for violence.. where is this taking us as a nation? Is this where we want to go? Is it the only way to change what's happening in corporate and government America? I don't think so. I think we can resolve things without the need for violence.. unless we stay on this track. Violence leads to violence.. always.. Is this what we really want? What's behind all this talk of guns, taking our nation back? Who benefits??? That's the Billion Dollar Question. Answer that and you just might see what's really going on. Join me on the air and in the chat room. We Can Heal the Gulf Our Planet & OurselvesWe are the Energy of Well Being.