Programed for success or for failure

Spiritual Awakening Empowered Living show

Summary: Inside your subconscious is a program that runs 24 / 7. It's all about your world view, how you say things are. It brings you into alignment with what you believe, bringing those vibrations together to form "stuff" and experiences. Your program, your beliefs show up as life, situations, experiences. What are you programmed for? Success, failure, joy, misery, happiness? The answer is all around you. What you are experiencing is the reflection of your beliefs, that inner program. The law of attraction works with you to always bring your beliefs into physical form. Get clear about those programs and beliefs and your life will change. Join me in the chat room and on the air to discuss world views and changing them. Use your Reiki Stones Crysals to Heal the Gulf. A Journey Back To Self Answer the Call to ChangeThe Road of Healing and Self Awareness. How to LIVE Free Heal Your Life Power of Forgiveness. Find out about my classes, spiritual coaching and energy healing Visit my website today to heal your life. Check out my NEW store Awakened Empowerment Healing Stones, crystals & gemstone jewelry. Discover HOW to BE Happy Awakened Empowerment These Ebooks will help YOU CHANGE your Thinking and change your life!.